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SC Minutes 2008

January 9, 2008, Steering Committee Meeting Minutes


  • Randy Bush
  • Steve Feldman
  • Joe Provo
  • Jared Mauch (meeting chair)
  • Christopher Morrow
  • Andy Rosenzweig
  • Philip Smith (SC chair)


  • Betty Burke
  • Alex Pilosov (ex-officio, MLC chair)
  • Todd Underwood (ex-officio, PC chair)


  1. Meeting quorum called 00:06 UTC (10 January)
  2. Mailing List Committee

    No update was received from Alex.

  3. NANOG infrastructure

    The main mailing list has not yet migrated to new systems. Andy will check with Larry Blunk as to where things are. There is currently no schedule for website migration as the presentation and content overhaul is desired to occur at the same time.

  4. Programme Committee

    No update was received from Todd.

  5. NANOG 42, San Jose

    Andy delivered a summary, details are in progress for a sponsored Sunday social. The overall status on the technical side is clear; the venue connectivity is coming along.

    Randy expressed concern that he hasn't been able to attend the engineering calls, and hadn't yet seen any plans nor diagrams. Andy indicated he would see about getting the call rescheduled to a more mutually-convenient time for all involved and get more data out to the engineering list.

    Some concerns were expressed over the IPv6 Hour. Andy indicated that not yet announcing it to the community is a concern. Randy clarified that the purpose of the exercise was two-fold, both to demonstrate what it is like to live in v6 and to highlight what needs to be done to support it. There was discussion of how to fold this into the agenda and documenting the outcome. Todd was not here to confirm, but the concept was reported to have been discussed with the PC as a Tuesday event with Wednesday report.

    Randy introduced a meeting to take place January 28, both face- to-face in the SF Bay area and as a teleconference. A common set of goals and criteria are being examined for APRICOT & NANOG by this working group.

    After further discussion, including a lengthy one of how this event contrasted to the normal IPv6 access availability, a few follow-up items shook out. Randy and Philip are to work on the text for announcement to the community. Chris and Todd are to nail down the scheduling specifics so we can announce it.

  6. Future NANOG events status

    NANOG 43 (New York) is progressing apace. The site visit has been conducted and preparatory work needed at the hotel is under way.

    NANOG 44 (Los Angeles) is progressing as well. An MOU outlining responsibilities is being ironed out with the co-hosts.

    NANOG 45 Caribbean exploratory working group is meeting, reaching out to contacts for joint meetings, and examining the overall feasibility. A local host is interested if we do commit to having the meeting. Their next meeting is 19:00 UTC January 10; Steve will forward the minutes of the last meeting to the SC.

    No new data for NANOG 46 or 47 was available.

  7. Future planning dates discussion

    Philip asked about diving into the matter of fixing future conference dates further out. There was a little discussion of the matter in principle, but it was decided to take the matter in detail in a later meeting. Continued consensus for ongoing meeting horizon >= 18 months was expressed.

  8. New Business

    Steve distributed the last meeting minutes and SC members are requested to approve them ASAP.

  9. Meeting adjourned 00:59 UTC (10 January)


January 23, 2008, Steering Committee Meeting Minutes


  • Randy Bush
  • Steve Feldman
  • Jared Mauch (meeting chair)
  • Alex Pilosov (ex-officio, MLC chair)
  • Joe Provo
  • Andy Rosenzweig
  • Philip Smith (SC chair)
  • Todd Underwood (ex-officio, PC chair)


  • Betty Burke
  • Christopher Morrow

Meeting quorum called 01:06 UTC (24 January)

  1. Mailing List Committee

    Alex reported he was behind on the process documentation, so the new AUP enforcement policy is still pending. General traffic on the admin list has been low. Traffic on the actual list is high and the MLC is trying to guide discussions.

  2. NANOG infrastructure

    Andy reported no change to the mailing list migration. It was reported on the Mailing List Committee call that this is pending updates to the boiler-plates (subscribe, unsubscribe, etc). New design for the website is being worked on prior to migration to the dedicated servers. Given the attention for the IPv6 Hour, we spent some time discussing the IPv6 reachability of current and new NANOG infrastructure

  3. Programme Committee

    Todd reported no significant meta or organization issues; the focus has been on the upcoming conference agenda. The current structure has been serving them well, and splitting leadership and organizational duties between the chair and vice-chair has been effective.

    Regarding the San Jose meeting itself, Todd said that the shape of the conference is evolving rapidly, reminded folks that the draft program was posted some time ago. There has been the usual time slot juggling. Lightning talk submissions are open and the notifications for the most recent round of acceptances need to be sent out. The SC reacted well to the current draft agenda, though Todd pointed out there have been almost nothing submitted from the research community. Given a strong keynote is expected, a strong closing speaking is also being sought.

  4. NANOG 42, San Jose

    Community members helped bring Trango to the table with the local hosts, and their gear will be providing the wireless WAN link to the hotel. Overall, Andy reported that the hotel setup seems OK and it is believed that we are in a good state: many sponsors for both breaks and Beer and Gear. The registration numbers seem good for a February meeting; high 200s at present. It is believed that both attendee and sponsor numbers are good due to the advance notice regarding location and agenda.

    Significant time was devoted to implementation challenges and the practical impact of the IPv6 hour. The PC concern over disruption and presentation distraction was explored. Several known issues were touched on (dhcpv6, Windows XP DNS, et al). A phased approach had been considered, but there will more more practical detail discussed at the SF Bay area meeting mentioned last SC meeting, which is scheduled to occur January 28.

  5. Future NANOG Events

    Andy reported that NANOG 43 (Brooklyn) is all set, contracts are signed with both the hotel and the host. It is expected that within a month or so, the meetings-specific co-ordination and connectivity calls will begin. Looking to NANOG 44 (LA), the hotel contract was signed and the co-hosts (USC and Centergate) have confirmed participation; contracts are under way.

    NANOG 45 Caribbean exploratory working group met two weeks ago, there is is another call tomorrow, and a face-to-face meeting is planning for the San Jose meeting. No significant status change from the last SC meeting.

    There was no new information for NANOG46 and NANOG47.

  6. Merit Staff Update

    Andy reported details regarding Betty's progress, all is well and we miss her contributions. She most definitely will not make San Jose.

  7. AOB

    The call time-change is working for folks who had conflicts. Next meeting will be the 6th (7th) February, 19:00 EST (01.00 UTC).

  8. Meeting adjourned 02:06 UTC (24 January)

February 6, 2008, Steering Committee Meeting Minutes


  • Philip Smith (SC chair)
  • Steve Feldman
  • Randy Bush
  • Jared Mauch (meeting chair)
  • Joe Provo
  • Andy Rosenzweig
  • Christopher Morrow
  • Todd Underwood (ex-officio, PC chair)


  • Betty Burke
  • Alex Pilosov (ex-officio, MLC chair)

Meeting called to order at 17:06 PST

  • Mailing List Committee

    (Alex was unable to make the call, and will update the SC later by email.)

  • NANOG 42, San Jose
    • IPv6 Hour at NANOG 42

      There will be a special SSID with only IPv6 enabled, available throughout the meeting. Arrangements are being made to provide DNS service for Windows XP systems which don't support IPv6 transport for DNS lookups.

      Some discussion about who will provide NAT-PT service.

      There will be a breakout room with IPv4 available during the hour-long IPv6-only period.

      Documentation is being collected on wiki: http://www.civil-tongue.net/clusterf/

      Todd Underwood and Josh Snowhorn are preparing a press release.

    • Program Status (Todd)

      Lightning talks are coming in.

      There has been a small amount of negative feedback about video release form now required of general session speakers.

    • Technical/Preparation Status

      The wireless connection to the hotel is still being worked on.

    • Community Meeting Preparation

      There doesn't seem to be much controversy at the moment.

  • NANOG infrastructure
    • status of mailing list migration to new server

      Documentation needs to be done before the migration. Some discussion of timing; it was noted that Merit is busy enough now with preparations for the meeting, so the migration will happen afterwards.

    • status of website migration to new server

      Work is bonging.

    • ipv6 reachability

      www.ipv6.nanog.org is available now.

      Further study is needed before an AAAA record for www.nanog.org can be created.

  • Future NANOG events status
    • NANOG 43, Brooklyn: signed contract
    • NANOG 44, LA: signed contract
    • NANOG 45: A committee has been formed to determine feasibility of holding this meeting in the Caribbean region.
    • NANOG 46:
    • NANOG 47: Merit is having discussions with potential hosts about venues for these meetings.

Meeting adjourned at 17:42 PST.

February 18, 2008, Mailing List Committee & Steering Committee Meeting Minutes


  • Randy Bush
  • Steve Feldman
  • Martin Hannigan (MLC)
  • Sue Joiner (Merit, MLC)
  • Jared Mauch
  • Christopher Morrow
  • Alex Pilosov (MLC chair)
  • Joe Provo
  • Philip Smith (SC chair)
  • Todd Underwood (ex-officio, PC chair)
  • Don Welch (guest, Merit)


    1. Meeting quorum called 16:38 UTC (07:38 local)
    2. Warning Policy
    3. There was a discussion regarding the current warning policy, and what was presented at the Community Meeting 17 February. Alex indicated that warnings are to be issued by any member of the MLC with a carbon-copy to the [email protected] list. Significant time was spent discussing the community desire, consensus versus unilateralism, and revisiting what went before at the Albuquerque meeting. Don requested we examine how to go forward, and there was discussion to properly document the process of how it works. The method should be floated on nanog-futures.

      There were concerns about MLC matters taking too long due to everyone having jobs to do, being in different timezones, and votes taking a while. There was confusion on the part of some MLC members regarding the community meeting slides just presented as they were not seen beforehand. Development of the AUP was bantered about as an example of how the process *should* work. Randy suggested that the current AUP enforcement policy is in variance with the SC's perception of the community desire. There was general assent from the SC.
    1. Delays and Emergencies
    2. Sue raised the concern of handling emergency response. There was unanimity on SC and MLC that there should be no impediments to Sue (or other future Merit staff handling the MLC functions) taking the appropriate action needed to maintain service and integrity of the systems and network. Everyone expects that normal system and network administration approaches would apply. Barring actual system-level threats, list traffic explosion, and similar operational problems, the desire for accuracy rather than speed when engaging list members was expressed by the SC.

    1. Policies and Procedures
    2. There was discussion regarding the roles of the MLC and SC in these matters. Specifically, the distinction between deciding the policies versus procedures, the structure of the system versus the mechanics of executing. The MLC gets to say what is or isn't operationally feasible for procedures.

  1. Break for food 08:10-08:23
  2. Action Items and Conclusions

    For votes, a simple majority is effective and the preference of the SC and Merit. The SC requests the two competing AUP enforcement proposals be sent to both the Steering & MLC lists. We will then revisit the community-expressed policy needs to align with the MLC (with SC guidance) mechanics. One goal is to factor out specific personalities to set up the structure for the future for fairness, no matter who is serving on what committees. Alex raised the concern regarding micromanagement, and we further discuss transparency. The matter returns to needing the two proposals from the MLC such that the SC can analyze and hash out a compromise as soon as possible.

  3. Migrating Mailing Lists to Mailman

    Sue brought up the matter of the needed documentation updates. General consensus was that multiple vectors for subscription are best, though closed-loop confirmation was necessary. The actual cut-over will be next week (post-meeting) at soonest.

  4. Management Issues

    Philip indicates that the matter of staff management is for the SC, but if the MLC is comfortable, we may discuss. The MLC No Confidence vote was discussed and the recipient of that vote communicated apologies for possible offensiveness.

    Further discussion of the liaison role for Steve Feldman and desire to foster continual two-way communication between SC and MLC. We talked about process issues and the perception that people were "gumming up the works". Philip discussed mentoring, issues regarding carrying the workload and responsiveness were raised; Steve's liaison role was revisited again and all were in agreement that it should go forward.

  5. Meeting adjourned 17:53 UTC (08:53 local)

February 18, 2008, Program Committee & Steering Committee Meeting Minutes

[Attendance not taken, start and stop times not noted.]

There was no formal agenda for this meeting. Inquiries about meeting progress, questions, issues and concerns formed the basis of the discussions.

There was no clear consensus on the later start. Many parties heard both positive and negative feedback.

The agenda feedback has been positive. PC & SC members noted many folks paying attention more to the sessions than their laptops. Kudos came in from multiple quarters regarding the Amazon keynote.

Attendance considered very good; registered attendees have been climbing through the morning. We started the day at 559, by lunch it was 569. Various committee members were tracking approximate session numbers; it was noted the Newcomers' Breakfast was well-received with attendance in the low 70s, the bulk of which (55-60) were actual newcomers. The Problem Solving tutorial seemed to be hampered being the first thing in a hard-to-find room; appeared to be well-received by the attendees, which numbered in the mid 30s. Opinions were offered regarding additional similar topic domains for the future.

The BGP Troubleshooting, L2 Attack and Network Core BCP tutorials appeared to have good audiences (ran approximately 70-80 for all), and led into discussion of vendor-specific content. Joel Jaeggli introduced the topic of drumming up more operator-driven tutorials to balance the existing vendor- and platform-specific ones.

The good attendance triggered discussion of growth of the event in general. Is a bigger meeting a better meeting? Kobi Hsu requested more detailed attendance data from Merit to see if there are interesting hidden trends; Don Welch acknowledged this for Merit.

The PC expressed concern regarding getting their minutes out in a timely manner. The SC suggested to invert the current ratification process and require commentary within 24 hours.

February 20, 2008, Steering Committee Meeting Minutes


  • Alex Pilosov (ex-officio, MLC chair)
  • Christopher Morrow
  • Jared Mauch (meeting chair)
  • Joe Provo
  • Philip Smith (SC chair)
  • Steve Feldman
  • Randy Bush
  • Robert Duncan (Merit)
  • Todd Underwood (ex-officio, PC chair)


  • NANOG 42 Program

    Todd said they got a lot of positive feedback. The 100gig panel was seen as one of those which interested only part of the audience. IPv6 was also very bi-modal. One talk was clearly not taken well. T's energy panel was also bi-modal. In general, variety was good.

    ARIN bulled two pieces in at the last minute causing problems. For NYC, the PC will block a 15 minute slot for RIR update.

    A bunch of the PC thought the V6 hour, turning off V4, was damaging to the program.

    Todd noted that the final accounting for ABQ was much less margin than the initial estimates and wondered why.

  • NANOG 43, NYC

    Telx is very aggressive about PR and getting the word out. They have been working quite hard at getting ready.

    The PC wants to have a preliminary agenda for New York by 1 April. They will keep open some filler slots.

  • Other Issues

    There was a parody and logo use at the Peering BoF. The agenda was reviewed by the PC, but it was felt to have gone over the edge. This is the second time we have had complaints about Peering BoF content being inappropriate. The SC agreed that the PC should discuss closer review of the BoF content with BoF organizers.

    Discussion of BoFs that become a fixture as opposed to a one (or two) off, that they be considered a track as opposed to a BoF, and therefore have more formal and reviewed agendas. This would be Peering and Security.

    Complimentary press attendance turns out to be common for IETF and USENIX. We discussed whether growth of the conference was desirable. There were issues of venue sizing and pricing. It was felt that limited free press attendance would be useful and should be discussed further.

  • MLC Issues

    We need to finalize the warning review process and see that it is followed. The SC's consensus is that the community consensus is that warnings of any type from the MLC or its members need to be some form of consensus as opposed to unilateral.

March 5, 2008, Steering Committee Meeting Minutes


  • Philip Smith (SC chair)
  • Steve Feldman
  • Randy Bush
  • Christopher Morrow
  • Joe Provo
  • Jared Mauch (meeting chair)
  • Andy Rosenzweig (Merit)
  • Alex Pilosov (ex-officio, MLC chair)
  • Todd Underwood (ex-officio, PC chair)

Meeting called to order at 17:11 PST (01:11 GMT)

  1. NANOG 42, San Jose

    Andy reported that although financial results are not yet available, the general feeling is that NANOG 42 was a success. Merit is working on the video archive and survey data.

  2. Mailing List Committee

    Alex reported that the MLC is continuing internal discussions over AUP enforcement process. There are two documents under discussion, but no consensus.

    Randy asked whether the document circulated by Marty Hannigan to nanog-futures seems to best document the SC's understanding of the NANOG community consensus. When discussion indicated that this was the case, Randy moved that it adopted in its current state as the interim process, with the intent that the MLC will use it as a baseline for further discussion and refinement.

    The current document is version 1.1, dated 26 Feb 2008, and is available as a PDF at:


    Alex noted that the MLC has not achieved consensus on this document.

    The motion is carried by unanimous vote.

  3. Program Committee

    Todd reports that the call for presentations for NANOG 43 has been issued, and proposals are already coming in.

    The PC is encountering "recruitment collisions" with multiple members attempting to recruit the same speakers and/or topics. He notes that this is a good sign that PC members are actively engaged in recruiting.

    No keynote speaker has been identified for NANOG 43.

    The PC has been discussing migrating some of the long-standing BOFs toward longer and more formal tracks. The challenge is to balance between PC review of formal presentations and the spontaneity and timeliness of the informal discussion.

    Some vendors with facilities in the New York area have expressed the desire to organize tours. Our policy is that this is allowed, with the caveats:

    • Although there may be limited capacity, all NANOG attendees must have equal opportunity to sign up.
    • The tours must not conflict with NANOG sessions or other sponsored events.
  4. Press at NANOG

    No action since the last meeting.

  5. NANOG infrastructure

    Merit is working on migration of the NANOG mailing list to mailman on the new server. No specific date has been set.

    Merit is working on a redesign of the NANOG web site, as well as the publishing infrastructure for the new web server. They will work toward a plan to get the site moved to the new server sooner, possibly delaying some aspects of the redesign.

    The current web server is reachable via IPv6 as www.ipv6.nanog.org.

    There was discussion of a notification policy for outages affecting the NANOG site and mail services. It was decided that this is not a chronic problem, so no formal policy is needed.

  6. Future NANOG events status
    • NANOG 43, New York:
      contract signed
    • NANOG 44, LA:
      contract signed
    • NANOG 45:
      A potential host has been identified, site selection is under way, possibly in the Caribbean region.
    • NANOG 46:
      no action
    • NANOG 47:
      no action
  7. Other business

    Betty is doing better, and expects to return to day-to-day management. Andy remains available as her backup.

    The SC thanks Andy for stepping in.

Meeting adjourned at 17:58 PST (01:58 GMT)

March 19, 2008, Steering Committee Meeting Minutes


  • Betty Burke
  • Randy Bush
  • Steve Feldman
  • Jared Mauch (meeting chair)
  • Christopher Morrow
  • Alex Pilosov (ex-officio, MLC chair)
  • Joe Provo
  • Philip Smith (SC chair)
  • Todd Underwood (ex-officio, PC chair)


  1. NANOG 42 results

    Betty reported that there were two major pieces of the financial information still pending. Data is expected on the next call and hopefully will be published prior to the next meeting.

  2. Mailing List Committee

    Alex reported concerns over the unintended consequences of the document favored by the SC, namely that while the SC was focused on the AUP enforcement issues, the document represented an overall outline of MLC processes. Steve Feldman was spending time seeking to reconcile the conflicts between this "overarching" charter-like document and the previous "lean" bullet-point process. He suggested that we expressly only adopt the AUP enforcement policy portion, to clarify the original intent.

    Randy observed that part of this may be an issue of finding that with which the MLC can live. A conversation regarding the specifics and detail regarding bans and warnings (official and unofficial), took place. After discussing the chilling effect when personal opinions are offered by committee members, and if by dint of volunteering to do the heavy lifting that the MLC members give up their unofficial voice. Alex re-iterated the desire to segment the AUP issues (where the SC have a reasonable say) and the implementation details (wholly under the MLC). The SC membership agreed that the MLC needs to be fully empowered and the SC does not wish to micromanage.

    Steve proposed that we rescind last meeting's vote due to the issue and offered to bring the reconciled process document to the SC. This proposal was accepted and carried.

  3. Program Committee

    Todd reported that there are many submissions for the next conference under consideration. There is a PC meeting tomorrow (20 March 2008), and Todd indicated that the quality and quantity is well ahead of what we've seen at this stage previously. The 'keynote is not nailed down, but there is a tentative agreement.

    A matter for the SC is the resignation of Ted Seely from the PC. We discussed the process of replacement, previous replacements, and if there are any immediate suggested participants. Some PC members have committed to beating the brush for volunteers, several SC members committed to doing the same. Todd will draft a note to solicit volunteers from the community.

  4. Press at NANOG

    Philip has submitted a draft to merit for opinions, which will then be circulated to the SC.

  5. NANOG infrastructure

    Betty indicated that the mailing list migration still has some missing information; the MLC (Sue) is handling some mechanics. The web site migration is in process as well, though currently a separation of the redesign from the migration are being pursued. IPv6 connectivity is targeted as part of the move and while there is NANOG-specific IPv4 space, Betty is currently looking into the same for IPv6.

  6. Future NANOG events status

    Betty indicated the NANOG43 (NYC) engineering mailing list has been updated, though there have been some telX staffing changes. All the host contracts for NANOG44 (LA) are all signed; the MOU with ISI is still in progress.

    The working group exploring the feasibility of a Caribbean NANOG (for NANOG45) did not have a call this week. At present there is no active opposition, but some seeming apathy. Both ARIN and LACNIC have indicated they will try to support the effort in some way. Discussion ranged across sponsors' willingness, location cost concerns, and local host commitments. At this point, we will be moving forward with an MOU; Merit and the SC need to make a firm decision such that we have sufficient lead time to announce ideally at the New York meeting.

    Dearborn is under consideration for NANOG46; several hosting offers and suggestions came in after NANOG42. Carol and Betty are examining several options, and preferred venues will be fodder for discussion next meeting. The consensus remains that we wish to target an 18 month horizon.

April 10, 2008, Steering Committee Meeting Minutes


  • Philip Smith (SC chair)
  • Alex Pilosov (ex-officio, MLC chair)
  • Christopher Morro
  • Joe Provo
  • Randy Bush
  • Steve Feldman
  • Todd Underwood (ex-officio, PC chair)


  • Jared Mauch (meeting chair)
  • Betty Burke

There is a backlog of unpublished meeting minutes

  • SC & PC Meeting, 18th February
  • SC & MLC Meeting, 19th February
  • SC Meeting, 19th March

Joe is catching up on these. Various bits are in various stages. Expect results over the next week. The SC/PC meeting in San Jose had few notes taken as it was mostly a working meeting. Those notes will be written up as minutes in due course.

We had no financial summary from San Jose as Betty was not on the call.

Alex gave an MLC update. There was no significant update as Alex was not exactly sure what the SC had approved as process. Steve said that the final document has not been delivered and approved. Steve did send a summary of differences to the SC but not to the MLC; this has been sent to the MLC. Now that Steve is no longer sick, he will try to interleave this with his day job.

Alex said the issue of non-warning emails from MLC members was still not comfortable to him. He really felt that asking the MLC to reach consensus before commenting was unwieldy. Randy asked if it was then true that no non-warning emails had actually gone out. Alex sent none; others may have. Steve will finish his document in the next few days, and the SC can discuss it when there is substance.

Joe asked where the MLC meeting minutes as agreed were. Alex said that there had been three calls minuted, but the MLC has not approved the minutes yet so they have not been sent to MERIT for posting.

Todd has not yet sent out the solicitation for volunteer to replace Ted. He promised to do this quickly. It was noted that Ted's replacement will serve out Ted's term which ends in October; but an active participatory replacement would most likely be reappointed on their own merits.

Some folk did not realize that the April 1st posting was an April Fools joke and not from the PC.

Todd reported that the tentative agenda has been posted to the web site and an announcement has gone out. Pushing the schedule seems to have worked, and the agenda is pretty well firmed up.

Todd reported that the controversy over the Peering BoF had changed character as the Peering BoF founder and leader has changed jobs and is no longer available to host the Peering BoF. Todd said that the PC is committed to expanding peering related content and is working hard to recruit BoF leaders and presenters to fill the void.

There was discussion of the draft of how we should handle press at NANOG. Philip will finalize a first draft and circulate to Futures etc. It was suggested that it also be shown to friendly members of the press.

Betty sent email with the schedule of server moves, approximately 18 April. Steve disabled the lightning talk submission for the moment as it garnered spam and talk submission window is not until the meeting.

Steve reported that discussions have been very positive with our Latin American friends to hold a meeting in the Caribbean. This makes it likely we will be able to hold NANOG 45 in the Dominican Republic.

Randy mentioned that some researchers were considering a research meeting just before the October NANOG.

May 9, 2008 Steering Committee Meeting Minutes


  • Betty Burke (SC)
  • Randy Bush (SC)
  • Steve Feldman (SC)
  • Christopher Morrow (SC)
  • Jared Mauch (SC)
  • Alex Pilosov (ex-officio, MLC chair)
  • Joe Provo (SC)
  • Philip Smith (SC chair)
  • Todd Underwood (ex-officio, PC chair)


  1. Meeting quorum called 20:05 UTC
  2. Previous Meeting Minutes status

    Barring a single typo, the 23 April minutes were approved. After correction, Steve will send them for publication.

  3. Mailing List Committee

    Steve sent an updated AUP enforcement document shortly before the MLC call and therefore some MLC members did not have time to review. Steve was unable to make the call, but Alex indicated that there was no update on any competing proposal. It was discussed that something need to be done, a simple bit of test to act as a baseline. The inability to make progress on this simple, core document is suggested as a symptom of a widespread level of conflict making the MLC essentially dysfunction. It was agreed that next Wednesday the MLC will settle on a proposal and then bring it to the SC.

    Philip requested additional issues, and Alex indicated he had not been doing any list guidance for the last few weeks and he wished to make additional guidelines to follow for the MLC surrounding topicality "do"s and "don't"s.

    Regarding the nanog-futures thread of default mailman subject tagging, it quite clearly seems to be a matter of a minor topic filling the vacuum. It was agreed that the previous configuration was the majority desire, so it should just be handled.

  4. Program Committee

    Todd reported that there were no major issues, some last minute items related to the video consent forms. A few nominations have been received to fill the vacant PC slot which will be sent to the SC.

  5. NANOG 42

    Betty mailed the financials to the SC last week and overall, it looks good. Betty has requested from other Merit staff a clarification of the carry-forward.

  6. NANOG 43

    Todd indicated the program had some minor churn as a presenter dropped out due to changing employment. Steve asked when the lightning talks submissions for NANOG 43 are expected to be open, due to the need to add the anti-spam protection to the submission tool. Todd's intent is to do it no later than two weeks out from the meeting, and he requested the video consent form be added to the submission click-through.

    Betty requested two weeks notice for the session leads once the draft schedule is finalized. She reported that on the call this morning the room block was extended by twenty more rooms. If folks are still having trouble, Betty wants to know.

    Carol, Jason and Betty are taking the first pass at aligning rooms with sessions, and will send their draft to Todd and Ren for the PC. The next update for the network status will be with David Diaz of Telx tomorrow morning.

    Betty relayed Gail's report of the registration numbers; with not all the speakers registered, we have 275. This includes 3 students and 70 first time NANOG attendees. Good numbers for this point and we expect to see a rise over the next few weeks. As for sponsors, we still have three break spots open and one Beer and Gear space available ($4,000 and $10,000 respectively).

    Due to the overlap with AfNOG, both Philip and Randy won't be in attendance. If we keep to the original committee meeting schedule and can manage a phone for the SC meeting, they both can still participate. The MLC should all be there, though Alex indicated he wasn't sure about David.

    Regarding the on-site work, there was concern over the suggested network topology having too many links back to 60 Hudson. As there are only two diverse paths, this seems to add complexity with little added value. The ARIN IPv6 application was approved but won't be ready until the October meeting. We do not have the ballroom until Sunday. Merit staff will be arriving Friday, Tony Kapela will arrive Saturday morning.

  7. Future NANOG events status (Betty)

    For NANOG 44 in Los Angeles, Betty reported that there is a new event coordinator from ARIN. A related discussion regarding the creation of more sponsorship literature to assist the process took place. We talked about the elections and that we need to solicit community input for any charter revisions. There is a schedule conflict for folks in the R&E world due to this meeting overlapping with an I2 meeting.

    Betty indicates that the Caribbean hotel and venue data for NANOG 45 is needed by the end of the week. Josh Snowhorn indicated he would have the data by end of day. We all agree that the desire is to go to Brooklyn with a comfortable sense of the numbers.

    Given the New York AfNOG and Los Angeles I2 conflicts, Merit committed to helping co-ordinate better and put forth a strong future schedule with fewer conflicts. NANOG 46 has a few open offers; Betty sent email to the SC for discussion.

  8. Press at NANOG

    Philip has some updates for the draft version based on the SC mail thread. Looking to shore this up and propose to nanog-futures as a 'formalized process' for handling the requests.

  9. AOB

    There was a brief conversation regarding the nanog.org website updates. Brian Warkoczeski of Merit had a preview of the new design and layout, both Joe and Betty had been providing input. The SC members in Berlin will get a quick walk-through after the call.

    October charter updates were discussed. Both Steve and Joe had some items to suggest, primarily in the realm of language normalization. At the New York community meeting, we need to remind folks that October is the time to get amendments voted upon.

    After excusing the non-voting members of the Steering Committee, MLC personnel issues were discussed and the SC unanimously agreed to a course of action.

  10. Meeting adjourned 21:16 UTC


May 21, 2008 Steering Committee Meeting Minutes


  • Betty Burke (SC)
  • Steve Feldman (SC)
  • Christopher Morrow (SC)
  • Jared Mauch (SC)
  • Philip Smith (SC chair)
  • Todd Underwood (ex-officio, PC chair)


  • Joe Provo (SC)
  • Randy Bush (SC)


  1. Previous Meeting Minutes status

    Joe reported by email that the May 7 minutes are almost done.

  2. Mailing List Committee

    Text regarding handling of vacation auto-responders will be added to the procedure text.

    Discussion of MLC volunteers will be deferred to the end of the meeting.

  3. Program Committee

    Todd reports that aside from some last-minute juggling, the agenda for NANOG 43 is complete.

    Due to some miscommunication, the deadline for nominees to fill the vacant PC position has been extended until Sunday, May 25. Todd will forward the final nominee list will to the SC on Monday, with PC feedback to follow. The nominee list will also be sent to nanog-announce for public comment.

    Selection will take place during an interim SC meeting on May 28.

  4. NANOG 43 - venue status

    Betty reports that there have been various issues with hotel, including premature filling of the room block, and higher than expected food and beverage costs. None of these are major.

    Connectivity issues to the hotel being resolved, remote access to the meeting router should be available by Tuesday.

    Merit is working on the attendee handouts.

    Registration numbers are lower than Merit would like.

    The schedule for committee meetings in is set, there will be a conference phone available so SC members attending AfNOG can participate remotely.

    There will be an off-site reception on Tuesday night.

    Betty has circulated a draft of the agenda to the SC and PC for comment. The final agenda will include sponsorship acknowledgements.

    There was some discussion on seeking community input about one-day passes.

  5. Future NANOG events status (Betty)
    • NANOG 44, LA

      Major planning (e.g. room scheduling) will begin after NANOG 43. The web site is almost ready to go.

    • NANOG 45: Caribbean

      The host has requested that the meeting end on the Tuesday afternoon, rather than Wednesday morning. The SC has no strong feelings either way.

      Merit hopes to announce tentative plans at NANOG43.

    • NANOG 46+ ?

      Merit has been focusing on work to make it easier to solicit hosts:
      - new web site has hosting info/marketing
      - list of tentative dates

  6. Press at NANOG - draft proposal (Philip)

    No activity.

  7. AOB

    Philip called for agenda items for the NANOG43 community meeting.

    Due to time constraints, it was decided to postpone discussion of MLC volunteers until the interim SC meeting on May 28.

Meeting adjourned at 17:59 PDT / 00:59 UTC.

May 28, 2008 Steering Committee Meeting Minutes


  • Betty Burke (SC)
  • Randy Bush (SC)
  • Steve Feldman (SC)
  • Christopher Morrow (SC)
  • Jared Mauch (SC)
  • Joe Provo (SC)
  • Philip Smith (SC chair)
  • Todd Underwood (ex-officio, PC chair)


  1. Previous Meeting Minutes status

    Joe's minutes for May 7 are out for approval. Steve is working on the minutes for May 21, and expects to send them out for approval today.

  2. NANOG 43 update

    Betty reported that about 380 people have registered so far. Hotel costs are higher than Merit would like, but they still anticipate at least a small profit for the meeeting.

    Betty will send out a last reminder to nanog-announce.

    The meeting router is up and reachable. The remaining configuration will be done when Merit staff arrive on-site.

    The agenda will be sent to the printer within a few hours.

    Philip is working on a draft agenda for the community meeting. Aside from the usual reports, Jared will present the MLC status (with data provided by Sue Joiner) and Steve will present the SC's current thinking on this year's charter amendments and invite community participation.

  3. Mailing List Committee

    There are four vacant positions to fill. Two have terms ending in October 2008, and two have terms ending in October 2009.

    After discussion of the volunteers, the SC chose David Barak and Tim Yocum to fill the vacant positions for terms ending in October 2008, and Kris Foster and Simon Lyall to fill the vacant positions for terms ending in October 2009.

    Philip will notify all the volunteers of the results, and encourage the new MLC members to organize themselves and select a chair as soon as practical. If the MLC feels itself to be ready in time, the new chair may present the MLC portion of the community meeting.

  4. Program Committee selection

    There is one vacant position to fill, for a term ending in October, 2008.

    After discussion of the candidates and input from the PC and the community, the SC chose Brian Deardorff to fill the vacant position.

  5. AOB

    There was no additional business.

Meeting adjourned at 13:38 PDT / 20:38 UTC.

June 3, 2008 Steering Committee & Program Committee Meeting Minutes


  • Betty Burke
  • Larry Blunk
  • Brian Deardorff
  • Steve Feldman
  • Igor Gashinsky
  • Mike Hughes
  • Kobi Hsu
  • Joel Jaeggli
  • Rodney Joffe
  • Jared Mauch
  • Keith Mitchell
  • Christopher Morrow
  • Kevin Oberman
  • Lane Patterson
  • Joe Provo
  • Ren Provo
  • Josh Snowhorn
  • Richard Steenbergen
  • Todd Underwood

Apologies Received:

  • Randy Bush
  • Philip Smith


  1. Meeting quorum called 18:24 UTC
  2. NANOG 43

    Betty reported that attendance keeps climbing; presently 436. Todd expressed concern that the attendance was not correlated with the previous experience of early agendas. Ren and Jared brought up the conflict with GFIRST and Joel re-iterated the AfNOG/AFRINIC conflict. We revisited the concerns over timing in early June: US Memorial Day, student graduations, and general start-of-summer for the hemisphere. Betty revisited the Merit scheduling concerns, indicating that slightly later in June might be feasible but not mid-month.

    Members of both the SC and PC related concerns that had been expressed to many of them regarding the room block selling out. Betty explained the formula for setting target number has many variables (time of year, location, cost, anticipated attendance, etc) before even talking to a hotel. In this case, we had a block from Saturday to Wednesday and a base of $650 room-nights.

    The keynote was well received according to all comments. We have had four and so far only one didn't seem to go well.

  3. NANOG 44

    Due to the number of anniversaries, there is planned a panel covering the whys and wherefores on the road of our collective history that would be relevant to both organizations. We explored the scheduling of events during the week that the conference shared with ARIN. While there is flexibility in the public policy portion of the meeting, the quantity is highly variable and usually unknown until shortly before the meeting. Betty indicated that any joint planning for Wednesday is something Merit believes the PC should handle and provided contacts.

    An aside regarding the content for Los Angeles and its distribution across the schedule was discussed. Rodney has a strong lead on a keynote. Josh reported that the Tuesday night GPF ".5" event is already booked. We might have good ISI co-operation for more of the main program on Sunday, especially important if we have no shared time on Wednesday. Betty reminded us to be sure that we set aside a good slice of time for the community meeting as it will be election and charter amendment time.

    Speaking to the election cycle, Betty noted that nominations need to be opened no later than August 1 (3 months before the Fall meeting by the charter). Merit is looking to tie more automation with the new website and therefore streamline the process.

  4. Further IPv6 tests at meetings

    There are apparently multiple proposals for additional IPv6 testing at future meetings. In addition to the way we've already done it (NAT-PT), there is a tunneling solution with less NAT involved, and Bill Manning has offered some code used in China. None of these appear mutually exclusive, and the real question will be how much work will Merit and the local host wish to shoulder to make parallel variations available. If they are all offered, will enough people try the different methods to provide any meaningful data?

    Does the community wish to be the guinea pig in any technology experiment? We are *not* talking about a repeat of the IPv6-only hour. Joel stated that in this case in specific, and any "demo" in general, which is well-integrated with the program should be acceptable. Kevin related another conference experience where there was a v6 hour (without v4 cut off) where the actual program content was interactive instruction, debugging and feedback. The PC will further discuss these models at their meeting tomorrow.

  5. NANOG 45

    While the hotel contract is not finalized, things are looking pretty good for the Dominican Republic. Room rates are very attractive and likely to offset travel cost concerns. The GPF is set for the latter half of the week; transportation issues from the possible NANOG site to the GPF site were discussed. Schedule concerns were aired, and we explored resolving possible conflicts with Wednesday by having content not geared for GPF attendees on that day.

    Possible use of a translation service was discussed. There was strong desire to keep the 'working group' mailing list running and put a note out to the community such that any more folks interested in volunteering assistance can join up and do so. Perhaps as soon as next week, have th SC chair send a note to nanog-announce.

  6. AOB

    Betty suggested a followup SC/PC call to continue discussing some of the NANOG 44 and 45 issues.

  7. Meeting adjourned 19:26 UTC

June 3, 2008 Steering Committee Meeting Minutes


  • Steve Feldman
  • Jared Mauch
  • Christopher Morrow
  • Joe Provo
  • Todd Underwood (PC Chair Ex-Officio)

Apologies Received:

  • Betty Burke
  • Randy Bush
  • Philip Smith


  1. Meeting quorum called 12:30 UTC
  2. Press policy

    The press policy need to be addressed before NANOG 44, given the west-coast location and potential for industry press to care about the relevant anniversaries and the historical retrospective already on-deck. Jared observed that the level of government support for NANOG 45 may also draw press in the region.

  3. Attendance and funding

    The day pass suggestion was revisited, and a reminder that RIPE's different funding model doesn't make their implementation a direct analog for us. If we were to pursue it, we would need to price it a little higher than we think would be a disincentive to start out cautiously. Previously there were concerns with the workload for Merit; that needs to be verified if we seriously pursue this. Todd related an additional administrative bit that could need to be of concern: RIPE day pass purchasers do not show up on the attendee list, which can have 'hallway-track' implications.

    There was interest to revisit the room-night figure related yesterday and how it correlates with the actual hotel wrap-up data. Our lowest attendance in recent years was Salt Lake at 340 folks; should that be treated as the floor for any room block discussions, or is that over-optimistic?

    In a previous conversation, Betty mentioned to both Joe and Jared a potential for smaller sponsorships to contribute to a pool for assisting or underwriting NANOG attendance for low budget or startup entities. We definitely need to discuss in a full SC meeting, but the idea of aggregating smaller contributions was well received.

  4. Fall elections and charter updates

    It was noted that Joe, Randy and Philip have terms expiring this cycle, and both Randy and Philip are at their term limit. Todd would related the PC term expirations in email to the SC. A critique was related from the community meeting regarding the over-use of self-deprecating humor. No one wants to make thee committee work seem larger than it is, but at this point we may be turning folks away from wishing to step up.

    Steve noted that we want to be sure and dedicate some time in the community meeting to allow the SC candidates to have time to say something to those in attendance. We've done well with that in the past, but poorly last time. Candidates should be given advance notice of this, of course. In addition to having the bios posted to the website, Jared suggested a post to nanog-futures or nanog-announce in the week[s] prior.

    We spent some time discussing the self-organization and chair selection in both the PC and MLC. While no-one is interested in micro-managing or restricting the committees through excessive codification of procedures, it was observed that the current PC structure wasn't exactly a democratic process. It was inside the PC, there were no objections and then it went forward. SC members in attendance expressed a preference for such self-organized systems. The idea of the SC confirming the self-selected chair in both PC and MLC was floated. The previously-suggested term extension for the PC chair was brought up, to mixed response. The points were made that the program 'construction' process is actually now better understood and more open, and that the SC should be mindful of who could be good chair candidates when assembling the PC.

    We haven't seen community desire for charter updates, though we have stumbled across a few likely possibilities. There was a brief discussion about seeing who in the community might be interested in volunteering to draft updates.

  5. New mailing list committee

    Steve had dinner with David Barak the previous night. He is interested in "light-touch" moderation. There was a discussion about the informal notices; in the past these seemed to work when the delivery manner was polite, and folks seemed to think it is a useful tool. All the members in attendance were in agreement that any committee-member's warning is in effect "formal", and concern was expressed over a non-consensus position being expressed in those warnings. Steve will seek to organize a call to get the new MLC together with the goal of them picking a chair.

  6. Meeting adjourned 13:10 UTC

June 18, 2008 Steering Committee Meeting Minutes


  • Betty Burke (SC)
  • Randy Bush (SC)
  • Steve Feldman (SC)
  • Jared Mauch (SC)
  • Joe Provo (SC)
  • Philip Smith (SC chair)
  • Todd Underwood (ex-officio, PC chair)

Apologies Received:

  • Christopher Morrow (SC)


  1. Meeting quorum called 20:04 EDT
  2. NANOG 43, New York

    Betty reported that the last portion of travel expenses for Merit staff is still pending. The estimate on the hotel bill is in-hand, and they are discussing missed reductions. Gayle has updated all registration data points. The cumulative report should be able to be given to the SC next meeting (in two weeks).

    So far, the original projection holds and it appears we will break even. The Beer & Gear space was tight which limited the number of participants and revenue stream. There were several late and and on-site registrations which helped a great deal, but was counterbalanced by the expense of the venue itself.

    Several SC members heard good things about the venue and Betty indicated that the survey was mostly complimentary. There were worries expressed about the room rate (post room block) and some attendees noted the Beer & Gear was crowded. The survey demographic breakdown is pending.

  3. Program Committee Update

    It was decided that the suggested SC/PC joint call was not needed.

    Regarding further IPv6 testing at NANOG, the PC is happy to do so provided that there are not repeats of disabling IPv4 and any such work is paired with the program. There are presently three proposals made variously to the PC and Merit: the previously run known-vendor-code NAT-PT; Alain Durand's suggested 4-6-4 tunneling that was run at IETF; Bill Manning's suggested independent implementation of NAT-PT.

    In all cases, there is concern over what Merit resources will be available. Randy observed that the 4-6-4 system is user- affecting and potentially disruptive. Whichever direction we take, the PC wishes to facilitate getting useful data out of the experience. After discussion it was decided that in general, we are not opposed to trying different approaches or running multiple parallel systems, but the SC wishes to see the technical details. Todd has messages from both Alain and Bill and will asked them both to send proposal outline to the SC.

  4. NANOG 44, LA

    We spent some time discussing better co-ordination with ARIN for both sharing program time on Wednesday and joint program planning. Ray Plzak , Susan Hamlin, Betty and Rodney Joffe have been trading messages and trying to align their schedules for synchronous communications. Todd expressed concern over the ambiguity for the PC's autonomous interaction with ARIN. Betty indicated that ARIN approval is contingent on the ideas sent to Rodney sent along for the PC.

    Betty indicated that any changes to the size of the room block needs to be addressed when hotel contracts are signed. We do wish to share the data regarding when it expires and how large it is. The SC would like to see the floor raised in future.

    The NANOG 44 data has been posted for some time and the CFP was recently updated. Registration should be open around the 5th or 6th of July; additional co-ordination with ARIN is needed. We need to remain cognizant of the election time-line as well, though there is no urgent action required. The NANOG 43 website archive should be ready next week.

  5. Future NANOG events status

    NANOG 45 meeting in the Dominican Republic is planned to be the regular Sunday through Wednesday schedule. Contract revisions are under way, but the hotel contract looks reasonable. The MoU should be wrapped up by July 5th. Some airfare concerns were expressed. Discussion with sponsors have been supportive of the locale.

    There are at least three venues in the running for NANOG 46 in June 2009. Potential hosts in Pennsylvania, Ottawa and Virginia have come forward. Much of the East Coast of the US is pricey during the time; all the leads are being actively worked. Timing of the meeting early in the month is a concern for some members of the community, and late in the month is an issue for Merit staffing.

    Fall 2009 (NANOG 47) with be the usual joint meeting with ARIN. Some initial venue conversations with Susan Hamlin have taken place, as well as talking about the 2010 joint meeting. There is nothing on-deck as of yet for NANOG 48, February 2010.

    Betty reported that a couple folks have approached Merit regarding ways to reach out to underrepresented portions of the community. Some discussion regarding a directed attendee sponsorship pool for low budget or startups took place, run similarly to the Postel scholarship. Some concerns over continuity were raised. Betty and Jared will talk about the pragmatic details.

  6. Mailing List Committee

    Philip asked if the SC needs to help anything along or if anything in general needs to be moved forward. Steve indicated that there are no fires and things appear to be more functional than the last year and a half. Steve is seeking to get the MLC together for a concall with the primary purpose to be selecting a chair.

  7. Press at NANOG

    Due the the number of anniversaries and location, members of the SC believe we'll get more press interest in LA. If the wording is acceptable, Philip wants to take it to nanog-futures.

  8. SC elections

    According to the charter, we would expect the call for volunteers out by the 9th of August, which is a Saturday. Betty suggests the following Monday (11 August). We need to agree to the message in early July; Philip suggests merely updating the dates on the announcement from last year and send it to the SC to verify it isn't broken.

    Brian adjusted the links Jared and Joe had noted were stale.

    We have three SC members who are rotating out, two of which (Randy and Philip) are at their term limit so cannot run again. Due to the charter language, term limits only apply to post-[r]evolution terms, so no PC members are at their limit. Todd will validate the PC members' positions that will be expiring and see which of them are interested in continuing.

  9. AOB

    No volunteer for charter revision editor has come forward; Steve indicated he had someone in mind to ask. Website space and server access will need to be addressed.

    Todd will have a conflict next meeting and will ask that Ren represent the PC.

  10. Meeting adjourned 21:02 EDT

July 16, 2008 Steering Committee Meeting Minutes


  • Betty Burke (SC)
  • Randy Bush (SC)
  • Kris Foster (ex-officio, MLC chair)
  • Steve Feldman (SC)
  • Jared Mauch (SC)
  • Joe Provo (SC)
  • Philip Smith (SC chair)
  • Todd Underwood (ex-officio, PC chair)

Apologies Received:

  • Christopher Morrow (SC)


  1. Meeting quorum called 20:06 EDT
  2. Mailing List Committee

    Kris introduced the nanog-attendee list, to be open at the start of every conference registration and close two weeks after the conference ends. The intent is to localize conference-specific traffic, be it notifications about the meeting, social co-ordination, or what-have-you. People registering for the conference will see an opt-out radio button, and if not toggled the email address associated with their registration will be subscribed. It is being run as an open list, such that community members local but not necessarily attending can participate. The list is being archived. Kris asked that people mention it in additional notes sent out about the the LA meeting, and that the NANOG 44 web page have a link added. Betty acknowledged it would get into the pending update.

    Kris reported that the list itself has been ok, and the administrative list has been really quiet. The MLC has a general agreement for monthly meetings, but the specific dates are not yet set. Some notes from last meeting exist and Kris will seek to get them published.

  3. NANOG 43, NYC

    Betty reported that the survey and summary information should be published shortly, maybe as soon as Friday. The financial data is still being wrapped up.

  4. Program Committee

    Philip mentioned the text for the call for volunteers to replace the expiring group is being massaged from last year's. Betty reminded that it needs to go out in the next three weeks, per charter.

    Todd reported that the NANOG 44 program is taking shape as scheduled, though a little light for the draft agenda posting. There were many good abstracts which didn't get their full slides in as of yet. It was suggested that perhaps this is just due to people's summer schedules. There is a fair amount of IPv6 content this time. There has been difficulty in arranging a shared schedule for Wednesday, due to some inflexibility on ARIN's part. Todd indicated he and Ren will get the current data to Betty for publication and Betty responded that the registration would then be opened.

    Randy asked regarding the possible research group meeting being held prior to NANOG. This appeared to be a non-event, but we segued into discussion of an idea from Celeste Anderson. There is an I2 member meeting in New Orleans while NANOG 44 is in progress; there was a suggestion of a cross-meeting audio/visual collaboration, but no clear proposal. Some possible items were discussed including potential cross-meeting broadcasts on the main screens during each other's breaks and lunches.

  5. NANOG 44, LA

    Per previous discussion, the and public announcement should be out and registration open after Betty gets the updated agenda draft. Switch and Data is looking to sponsor an event Sunday evening. We also know that the GPF ".5" event will be Tuesday evening. ARIN requested that any Tuesday-night sponsored events not start until 19:00 local time.

    Randy relayed that the most recent engineering & planning call was lightly attended. The bandwidth is slated to be provided over some flavor of fiber to the basement, and copper up the risers. External to the building, cogent is providing capacity to One Wilshire, where we will pick up IPv6 and multicast native from Los Nettos and others.

    Betty reported that several sponsors are lined up. We are not full but doing well. There was a mention of a potential side bus trip which fell through.

    There was some discussion of multiple IPv6 experiments. Alain's proposal needs a response, to which Joe will attend. We haven't heard follow-up from Bill. Randy relayed there was some concern mentioned on the engineering call regarding the cisco-based IPv6 solution as it was deployed at the New York meeting, but the details were lacking.

  6. SC elections

    We discussed a bit about elections previously under the PC agenda item, which touched on the parallel issues for the SC. An update of the previous year's text will be used in the website.

  7. Charter Revisions

    Steve sent out the general call for volunteers today, and contacted a few past participants directly. The current set of ideas for amendments will be floated on nanog-futures. Betty indicate the space has been set aside on the site and access will be sorted for the volunteer.

  8. Future NANOG events status

    Regarding NANOG45, February 2009, in the Dominican Republic, Betty said the MoU is fully executed and hotel contract is half-executed. Todd relayed that there are already four submissions to the program.

    The venue that was being examined for NANOG46 (June 2009) is not going to work out. We took some discussion regarding setting the dates and leading from that, instead of the historical method of securing a host which then leads to the location and subsequently the dates that work for sites there. Some time was spent on a thought experiment regarding the obstacles to "self-hosting" the conference. Three primary areas were identified: the local site engineering, conference traffic carriage, and the power costs. Some talk regarding meeting space followed, mainly revolving about the target number of participants (500) and concerns of potential space oversubscription.

    We had a quick recap of the idea of a low budget/startup meeting attendee sponsorship pool. Jared is going to get together a draft of the intent and discuss with Betty before bringing it back to the SC.

  9. Press at NANOG

    Philip sent the text to nanog-futures, where dome minor edits were suggested. The response from the community were mostly supportive. It was decided to let any additional followup come through and if no issues were raised by next SC call, to publish.

  10. AOB

    Randy reported that a second source of funding for the Postel Scholarship had been secured. This will allow a second person to be sponsored.

  11. Meeting adjourned 21:03 EDT

July 30, 2008 Steering Committee Meeting Minutes


  • Betty Burke (SC)
  • Steve Feldman (SC)
  • Jared Mauch (SC)
  • Christopher Morrow (SC)
  • Joe Provo (SC)
  • Philip Smith (SC chair)
  • Todd Underwood (ex-officio, PC chair)

Apologies Received:

  • Kris Foster (ex-officio, MLC chair)
  • Randy Bush (SC)


  1. Mailing List Committee

    No report.

  2. Program Committee

    Todd reports that a tentative agenda has been posted. Three unfilled slots remain, two of which are conditional acceptances. There will be many tutorials. The PC expects confirmation soon on the Wednesday morning panel. Todd sent draft agenda reminder to nanog-announce, and received positive feedback and a jump in registrations.

  3. NANOG 43, NYC

    Betty reports that Merit is still waiting for the final invoice from the hotel.

  4. NANOG 44, LA

    Betty reports that Merit could use 1 more B&G sponsor, some break sponsors, and possibly a sponsor to improve the Monday breakfast.

    Registration is light but picking up, 56 so far.

    There have been some hotel logistics issues, mostly involving room setups.

    Connectivity is looking good - a fiber connection to One Wilshire has been arranged.

    • IPv6 experiments (Joe)

    There has been no activity on potential IPv6 experiments since the last call. Joe will follow up with a proposal submitter, and discussion will continue among the SC.

  5. SC elections, PC volunteers, Charter Revisions

    The call for SC nominations needs go go out by August 12. The call for PC nominations will go out later.

    Steve has access to edit the NANOG web site pages concerning charter amendments. Rob Seastrom has agreed to be the community representative for the amendment process this year.

    Steve needs to update the charter text on web site.

    There was discussion of the voting schedule. Usually, voting results are announced in plenary session at the end of the meeting, but this year Tuesday afternoon ends with breakout sessions. One possible solutions is to have SC members announce the results simultaneously in each breakout session. Another is to forego in-person announcements, and announce the results only on the mailing list and the web site.

  6. Press at NANOG

    The SC noted mostly positive feedback on Philip's proposal, and voted to it with the minor changes suggested on nanog-futures.

  7. Future NANOG events status
    • NANOG 45, Dominican Republic: Merit has signed the hotel contract, and is waiting for the hotel to return their signed copy. There have been some preliminary discussions with regional organizations about potential co-sponsorship and other forms of cooperation. The PC has already received some talk submissions.
    • NANOG 46-48: Merit has been working with potential hosts and venues.
    • NANOG 49 and beyond: Merit has some concern about the budget risk of making commitments too early for meetings this far out.
    • sponsorships for low budget or startups to attend NANOG: No activity.
  8. AOB

    A reporter from New Scientist magazine has asked for a contact to represent NANOG for a future article. Betty will help Philip draft a response stating that NANOG has no official voice, but offering some suggestions for individuals to contact.

    The next PC meeting will be a day early (August 12) to accommodate people's travel schedules.

  9. Adjourned at 18:00 PDT.

August 12, 2008 Steering Committee Meeting Minutes


  • Betty Burke (SC)
  • Randy Bush (SC)
  • Kris Foster (ex-officio, MLC chair)
  • Jared Mauch (SC)
  • Joe Provo (SC)
  • Philip Smith (SC chair)

Apologies Received:

  • Steve Feldman (SC)
  • Christopher Morrow (SC)
  • Todd Underwood (ex-officio, PC chair)


  1. Quorum called 20:12 EDT
  2. Previous SC meeting minutes

    Steve sent mail indicating he was working on them.

  3. Mailing List Committee

    The MLC is aware that a number of off-topic posts have cropped up since the last SC call, though only two friendly reminders resulted from the Free Market thread. It was noted that some list members had repeatedly suggested to migrate DNS traffic to other lists, but the MLC is really isn't in favor as long as there is operational content. The MLC is updating the documentation of process, which will more clearly spell out the off-topic post handling.

    The NANOG 44 attendee list has unsurprisingly had no posts so far. There was discussion regarding the lack of continuity for the formerly-published public mailing list statistics, and Kris reported that they will be updated for June and July.

  4. Program Committee

    There was no update received from Todd before the call. Betty indicated that there were only program detail updates, nothing major. She mentioned a few program updates for NANOG 44, some additional slides being accepted, and that the speakers for the Wednesday morning sessions have been secured.

  5. NANOG 43, NYC

    Merit just received the final invoice from the hotel yesterday, and Betty expects to have a financial report to the SC this week. All the other "meeting wrap-up" items (survey summary, archive page, videos) have been posted.

  6. NANOG 44, LA

    There will be a special engineering call tomorrow to cover additional site issues. Celeste is still looking into the I2 meeting link-up in a dedicated breakout room. The normal compliment of equipment is ready to go. There is some concern regarding the ballroom/plenary session seating arrangements, specifically the tradeoffs between theatre and classroom seating. There won't be the normal planning meeting today due to scheduling issues, the next will be on the 26th.

    The election information has been posted. Registration is looking good and Betty will send the current data to the SC, both for the regular meeting and the Wednesday special activities. Sponsorships are in a good position: all ten Beer & Gear spots are filled, though there are still three open break slots.

    Ole is still looking into organizing a side-trip to Disney Hall. CRG West is hosting an open reception Tuesday evening after the ARIN activities (~19:00 localtime). Arbor is interested in hosting an additional open reception, though details have not come together. The ARIN open policy time on Tuesday evening is listed on our agenda page despite not being officially "our" program to help community members plan their time.

    Alain's 4-6-4 proposal was discussed. Betty had shared what data we have with Larry and the Merit team, we are pending a more detailed response. Some concerns regarding this being -or being received as- a vendor-specific or provider-specific lab. Joe will seek more data from Alain, as we need to determine the actual feasibility and specifics for integrating into the conference network. Specifics regarding the IETF deployment will be sought.

    Randy reported that at AfNOG, Randy and Mirjam Kuehne (ISOC) were approached to have an additional, AfNOG-community-specific scholarship. This would be administered in much the same was as the existing Postel Scholarship, with the same requirement that the person will be required to promulgate what they learn and share their community's experience and view with the NANOG. Several qualified applicants for this new initiative as well as the Postel Scholarship had been received. The Postel selection group discussed the matter in email and at IETF, and Randy outlined the recommended candidates to the SC. All members present supported the two he presented, and he will close the Postel loop with ARIN.

  7. SC elections, PC volunteers, Charter Revisions

    Philip had sent the announcement earlier today. We haven't heard any update from Steve regarding Charter amendments.

  8. Future NANOG events status

    The February 2009 (NANOG 45) contracts are close to completion for the Dominican Republic. There are two possible hosts interested in either NANOG 46 or 47. Some discussions with ARIN about the venue for the October 2009 (NANOG 47) meeting have taken place. Three possible locations are being explored for February 2010 (NANOG 48) and there are locations being examined with hosts for June and October 2010 (NANOG 49 and 50, respectively).

    Jared is working up the proposal for a low budget/startup NANOG attendee sponsorship pool.

  9. AOB

    There was a journalist inquiry from the New Scientist, regarding infrastructure

    Philip is sending a response recommending attendance, and some possible contacts.

  10. Meeting adjourned 21:03 EDT

August 27, 2008 Steering Committee Meeting Minutes


  • Randy Bush (SC)
  • Steve Feldman (SC)
  • Jared Mauch (SC)
  • Christopher Morrow (SC)
  • Joe Provo (SC)
  • Philip Smith (SC chair)
  • Todd Underwood (ex-officio, PC chair)

Apologies Received:

  • Kris Foster (ex-officio, MLC chair)


  1. The meeting was called to order at 12:07 PDT.
  2. Previous SC meeting minutes

    Steve and Joe will make final corrections to their respective outstanding minutes, and submit for publication.

  3. Mailing List Committee

    No report.

  4. Program Committee

    Todd reports that aside from a little last minute shuffling and slots for possible late-breaking talks for NANOG 44, the PC's efforts are now focused on planning for NANOG 45.

    The PC would like to issue CFP for NANOG 45 early to stimulate submissions, but will wait until hotel contract is final and the venue can be announced..

  5. NANOG 43, NYC

    Betty has distributed final budget numbers for NANOG 43. There was a net profit of $599.48, for essentially break-even for the meeting. This is a good result, since the venue was more expensive than usual and limited space for Beer & Gear exhibits cut down the number of sponsors.

  6. NANOG 44, LA
    • Meeting status:

      Work on meeting connectivity is progressing, and some set-up should start happening as early as next week. Randy expressed some concerns about the network diagram, and will follow up offline with Betty and the engineering team.

      The plenary set-up has been submitted to the local fire marshal for review.

      Merit is purchasing new projectors for this meeting.

      Don Welch (Merit's CEO) plans to attend, and possibly a Merit board member.

      Overall, Betty feels that logistics are progressing well.

    • Network experiments

      There was much discussion of using the NANOG meeting network to conduct experiments, including one current proposal.

      Although Merit and the SC want to be open to using the meeting network for experiments, there are several concerns which need to be balanced:

      • Benefit vs. effort for community and/or attendees
      • Benefit to the researcher(s)
      • Tie-in to the program
      • Additional effort by meeting staff

      The decision was made not to support the current proposal, on the basis that there was potentially significant effort needed by the meeting network staff, the potential benefit to the attendees was unclear, and there seemed to be little incentive for enough attendees to participate in order to provide meaningful data.

      Joe will communicate the decision, and the SC will continue working to define a standard framework for deciding on future proposals.

    • Postel Scholarship update

      Randy says that two recipients have been chosen for this year, and ISOC is now working on travel arrangements.

      Randy suggests that we might want to help arrange additional things for the recipients to do while in North America, such as visits to network operators, NOCs, etc.

      Todd will arrange spots in the program for short presentations from the recipients.

  7. SC elections, PC volunteers, Charter Revisions

    Betty reports that two SC nominations have been received so far. Philip has already sent a reminder to the mailing list and will do so again just before the close of the call for nominations. Current SC members will continue to recruit potential volunteers.

    The call for PC nominations will be issued in late September.

    Steve working on the web page for charter amendments, and will work with Rob Seastrom and to finish this and start dialog on nanog-futures soon.

  8. Future NANOG events status (Betty)
    • NANOG 45: Feb09: Dominican Republic

      Final contract negotiations are continuing for the hotel in the Dominican Republic. Merit has added the meeting date and host to the web site, but will hold off publishing the location until the contract is complete.

    Other logistics for the meeting are under way.

    There was discussion on whether to start the publicity for NANOG 45 before NANOG 44. Traditionally this has not been done, but it could help with drawing attendance for a meeting which some employers would consider international travel.

    Merit is working with several potential hosts and venues for NANOG 46 (June 2009), NANOG 47 (Oct. 2009, with ARIN), and NANOG 48 (Feb. 2010).

    Jared is working up the proposal for a low budget/startup NANOG attendee sponsorship pool, and expects to email details to the SC soon.

  9. AOB

    There was no additional business.

  10. The meeting was adjourned at 13:01 PDT.

September 10, 2008 Steering Committee Meeting Minutes


  • Randy Bush (SC)
  • Steve Feldman (SC)
  • Joe Provo (SC)
  • Philip Smith (SC chair)
  • Todd Underwood

Apologies Received:

    • Betty Burke (SC)
    • Kris Foster (ex-officio, MLC chair)
    • Jared Mauch (SC)
    • Christopher Morrow (SC)



  1. Quorum called 20:07 EDT
  2. Previous SC meeting minutes

    Steve sent them for publication.

  3. Mailing List Committee

    Kris was unable to attend, but relayed the following matters to the SC as an update to enter into the minutes. "The statistics webpage is now up to date. There are some list members which are unhappy with the lack of public communication from the MLC, as so far warnings and intervention has been done privately. No other major issues."

    It was observed by those in attendance that some other list members will be unhappy with public communication, and briefly discussed perception and visibility versus actual effective response.

  4. Program Committee

    The upcoming meeting's program has been in an OK state for some time now. Celeste has worked the Internet2 livecast; we will have a breakout room at NANOG for most of the I2 public meeting as well as a similar space for the I2 attendees to receive our webcast. There was a question regarding the selection of the new PC, and it was mentioned as first order of business for the new SC.

  5. NANOG 44, LA

    Todd relayed that the connectivity had been settled after what appeared to be a long repeat pattern of the discussing the cross-connects. There has been some room shifting needed. The registration was at 238 as of this morning, while the room block is not yet full this is a good number fo a month in advance.

  6. SC elections, PC volunteers, Charter Revisions

    There was no additional nomination data beyond what was posted. Steve indicated that the charter revision pages were sorted and Robert Seastrom has come forward as the community text manager. Steve will be sending a notice out today or tomorrow, touching on three topics: formalizing the SC dismissal of MLC; formalizing an SC recall process; minor language corrections.

  7. Future NANOG events status

    Todd reported that the program work for NANOG 45 (February 2009) is underway. Seeking to get a framework of an agenda in place earlier, the PC is engaging in a lot of brainstorming work on the keynote and panels. Todd solicited the SC for suggestions, and indicated the next milestone is to get the CFP out before NANOG44.

    No data was available for the other five meetings in the target window.

  8. Sponsorships for low budget or startups to attend NANOG

    Jared was unable to join the meeting an dhadn't passed along any Information.

  9. AOB

    A concern was raised regarding external requests, specifically of committee members, to divulge mailing list membership data. Given that the mailing list software does not divulge membership to mitigate abuse (spam, etc) concerns, the concensus was that any such request was out of bounds. Randy called for a formal affirmation of Merit policy to not report on such data without a court order, and Joe seconded. A voice vote was taken and the motion carried with no opposition.

  10. Meeting adjourned 20:36 EDT

September 24, 2008 Steering Committee Meeting Minutes


  • Betty Burke
  • Randy Bush
  • Steve Feldman
  • Chris Morrow
  • Joe Provo
  • Philip Smith (Chair)
  • Todd Underwood

Apologies Received:

  • Jared Mauch
  • Kris Foster


  1. Meeting commenced 17:03 PDT.
  2. Previous SC meeting minutes

    Joe will have them ready in a day or two

  3. Mailing List Committee

    Kris not able to make the call. Betty mentioned that the team seems to be working well. Steve (who is MLC liaison and on the admin list) agreed with this sentiment. Issues are being resolved really quickly. Only real issue coming up is a few people complaining that MLC don't seem to be doing much - but the MLC has pointed out that they don't report every little thing to the community.

  4. Program Committee

    Todd reported that program is all set for NANOG 44 in LA, and work has now shifted to assembling the program for NANOG 45. PC has gone a little bit quiet, maybe from all the effort of putting the NANOG 44 program together. Todd and Ren are working to try and get a draft program out early, to help with travel justifications for those organisations that need them for international travel requests. The PC have as yet no ideas for keynotes, panels or prominent speakers, so Todd requested the SC to send suggestions or contacts to follow up.

    For NANOG 44, Betty reported that there were one or two requests to juggle presentation time slots, but these were handled appropriately by Ren. Betty also echoed Todd's request for suggestions of possible speakers for NANOG 45.

  5. NANOG 44, LA

    NANOG 44 is in good shape, with all aspects of the program and rooming organised. Rodney Joffe has agreed to introduce the panel on Wednesday morning.

    We have reached target number for room block - still some rooms left in the block though. Trailing a little behind in registration numbers, but not too worried given the location. Betty appreciated the positive working relationship with ARIN.

    We have network connectivity at the Biltmore, the router and other gear has shipped, should get the link up next week. Problems with getting configuration working - Philip will liaise with Larry about this.

  6. SC Elections, PC volunteers, Charter Revisions

    Only 2 nominations for the PC received so far. Todd will send a reminder message to the NANOG-announce list.

    Eligible voters for the elections are already linked on the elections page. This is a dynamic page of course, as participants in NANOG 44 will be automatically added as they register.

    Steve reported that there so far has been resounding silence about the proposed charter revisions. Steve will sync with Rob Seastrom (who is helping wrangle the text) to see if he has heard anything. Deadline is Oct 1st for charter changes and the discussion should be wrapping up around then too. Philip will send reminder to NANOG-announce on receiving suitable text from Steve.

  7. Community Meeting

    Philip will drop a note to all the SC candidates informing them about the community meeting and inviting each to give a 2 minute background to their candidature.

    Otherwise the community meeting will be of the usual format of SC report by Philip, SC candidate intros, Charter Amendment discussion led by Steve, PC report by Todd, MLC report by Kris, Merit report by Don Welch, finishing off with Open Mic.

  8. Future NANOG events status

    Link for NANOG 45 in the Dominican Republic on website is now up, Josh working on getting airline information, and the hotel contract is sorted. Very much need presentation suggestions for the PC to work on, just to try and build some early excitement for NANOG 45, hopefully to spur discussion in LA.

    There was some discussion about whether the CfP should be released in Spanish as well. Todd will ask LACNIC if reaching out in Spanish as well will be helpful for the region, and will ask for thoughts for including Spanish content in the program.

    For NANOG 46, a host, a date, and a location has been identified! Now working on contracts etc.

    NANOG 47 is of course the joint meeting with ARIN; there are two possible dates in October as options. Location still being worked on out of a variety of possibilities.

    We have leads for NANOG 48 in February 2010. Funding signed hotel contracts could be an issue for this going further into the future.

  9. AOB

    Reminder from Betty to the SC to be aware of all the various meeting times on-site in LA. Carol will send a note of the venues for each meeting in due course.

  10. Call completed at 17:44 PDT.

October 7, 2008 Steering Committee Meeting Minutes


  • Betty Burke
  • Randy Bush
  • Steve Feldman
  • Kris Foster
  • Jared Mauch
  • Chris Morrow
  • Joe Provo
  • Philip Smith (Chair)
  • Todd Underwood


  1. Meeting commenced 18:02 PDT
  2. NANOG 44, LA

    Betty discussed the preparation status for the meeting starting at the end of this week. Circuit is up, and most operational preparations have now been completed. The supporting equipment has shipped, and Merit support staff will be arriving on Friday and Saturday. Betty observed that it is going to be a very busy weekend as there are major baseball games in LA at the time.

    Betty observed that the nanog-attendee mailing list is not taking off as we had hoped, as about half of folks have opted out of the list. Perhaps it will take a few more meetings to encourage people to use it for local arrangements and points of interest discussion. Celeste had written a nice introductory e-mail to the NANOG 44 attendees, but unfortunately half the registered attendees will have missed her announcement. Following a question from Steve, Betty clarified that the list was opt-out.

    Todd indicated that the programme was now finalised, there was one minor change since the last SC meeting a fortnight ago. He and Betty also confirmed that everything was set for the joint programme with ARIN on Wednesday morning.

  3. PC Nominations

    Only 3 nominations have been received so far for the open positions on the NANOG PC. Todd indicated that people haven't focused on the PC vacancies as the programme preparation has been under way. Philip will send a reminder to nanog-announce in the next day or two. More effort at recruitment of new candidates is required too. LA will be a good opportunity to encourage people to consider serving on the PC.

  4. NANOG Charter Changes The wording of the three proposed charter changes was passed unanimously by the SC. There was some discussion about the choice of the wording for the third charter change, but the SC agreed with the wording as it stood on the ballot.
  5. SC election

    Philip indicated that a couple of candidates were unable to attend the community meeting to take the opportunity to support their candidacy. The SC discussed whether or not they should be allowed to submit a written statement instead - Philip had indicated to them that he was prepared to read out written statements. Some members of the SC felt that non-participation in the community meeting would be detrimental to the candidate's chances - ultimately the audience would make the judgement on the commitment shown and vote accordingly.

  6. Community Meeting

    The agenda for the community meeting was finalised, with Philip giving the SC report, Todd the PC report, Kris the MLC report and Don the Merit report. The SC elections and the Charter Changes discussion would be included right after the SC report. The rest of the meeting time would be devoted to an open discussion where members of the community can raise issues they wish to discuss. Philip will forward the draft slides for the SC report to the SC in the next day or two.

  7. AOB

    The SC agreed to cancel the planned MLC/SC meeting on Tuesday morning as only Kris will be able to attend NANOG. The MLC/SC meeting is an opportunity for the entire MLC to meet with the SC.

  8. There being no other business, the call completed at 18:30 PDT

October 13, 2008 Program & Steering Committee Meeting Minutes


  • Betty Burke (SC, Merit)
  • Randy Bush (SC)
  • Larry Blunk (PC
  • Brian Deardorff (PC)
  • Steve Feldman (SC)
  • Igor Gashinsky (PC)
  • Mike Hughes (PC)
  • Joel Jaeggli (PC)
  • Rodney Joffe (PC)
  • Jared Mauch (SC)
  • Keith Mitchell (PC)
  • Kevin Oberman (PC)
  • Lane Patterson (PC)
  • Joe Provo (SC)
  • Ren Provo (PC)
  • Philip Smith (SC Chair)
  • Josh Snowhorn (PC)
  • Richard Steenbergen (PC)
  • Todd Underwood (PC Chair)
  • Don Welch (guest, Merit)
  • Bill Woodcock (PC)

Apologies Received:

  • Nick Feamster (PC)
  • Kobi Hsu (PC)
  • Sylvie LaPerriere (PC)
  • Christopher Morrow (SC)


  1. Meeting quorum called 20:20 UTC
  2. Current meeting feedback

    Philip and others on the SC noted they have received extremely positive feedback on the overall agenda. Igor asked to learn more as there were mixed feelings on the PC, so they need to understand what attendees liked so much. There was some speculation but no specific data, so we should beat the survey drum more.

    The venue was discussed. It was agreed that the plenary room was not completely optimal and options for managing similar seating challenges and screen presentation challenges were discussed. Lessons from past room geometries were shared, focusing on sight-lines and screen options, as well as optimal clustering of loose chairs versus laptop-tables. It was agreed that the additional screens on the sides were needed and useful, though the lack of a central, behind-the-speaker view was bad for the folks down in front-center. The ability to direct video directly to one screen on each side would be useful for seeing the speaker or future small-item close-ups. Josh commented that DR venue will be more theatre in format, so should be easier viewing. Congestion in the immediate outside-of-hall foyer was noted as a poor mingling area. Betty indicated attendance had climbed over 550, and while registrations rising on-site is a good problem to have it demonstrates the challenge in far-advance room layout planning. In this case, Merit relied on ARIN's site-visit data.

    There have been some complaints and confusion about the management and scheduling of the lightning talks. It was agreed that we should be more explicit about the time-frame for consideration and selection in communicating with attendees. The group considered opening up the page of submitted/accepted lightning talks but it wasn't determined whether that would be a good idea or not. It was decided to move the vote schedule earlier for this evening.

    There was a tutorial whose presenter canceled via writing an unusual address which was unmonitored (attendee-owner). The tutorial stayed on the agenda and resulted in some folks in the room with no presentation. This was the first no-show in a long time. The feedback for Andy's VoIP tutorial was very good, and likewise the BGP tutorial. Betty requested that the PC lend support on Sunday to help things run smoothly, so the PC will use the 'session leader' system on Sunday as well.

  3. Elections

    Philip confirmed that the first action of the new SC was to select the new PC, which generally happens Tuesday or Wednesday, depending on folks travel schedules. Betty reminded that the charter requires this to be done in 48 hours after the end of the SC election. The newly-formed PC will select their new chair on a call very shortly after this week; that will be organized by the current PC at their meeting tomorrow.

    Betty reported there are 11 confirmed candidates for the PC, and a reminder was given to those cycling out who wish to stand again that they must get their nominations in. There was general agreement that the current PC are not happy with the quality of the research and academic content in the program. The concern that we are not perceived as a 'publication track' entity occludes our value to some R&E folks. The PC asked the SC to take this into consideration when selecting the new PC. Joe requested performance metrics and recommendations for the newly formed SC, and Steve reminded PC members that they should feel free to send committee-peer comments to at least the three SC members not up for replacement.

    Lane asked about funding support for researchers/graduate students; the SC has one action item to explore revenue streams to support additional scholarship activities. Kevin pointed out that many R&E meetings take place on educational campuses where nearby cheap housing and hotels are more plentiful. Betty also indicated that the student discount helps with some researchers, plus there is a $500 discretionary fund available to the PC chair to help defray costs.

  4. AOB

    Regarding future meetings, Betty indicated that the next two meetings' (tentative) hosts should be able to be published in a week or so.

    Todd asked for general comments from SC to the PC. Randy asked if the PC now posts minutes as had been requested. Todd and Ren affirmed that the PC does post minutes.

    ARIN expressed interest (via Mark Kosters) to start planning October 2010. Susan Hamlin asserted a need for one year notice to help plan for catering. We would like to minimize any planning conflicts or coordination issues, and return to seeking co-ordinated joint programming of Wednesday. Betty will set up call with the new SC Chair, new PC chair[s], and ARIN in a week or so to iron things out.

    Philip asked the PC if there was anything more or less the SC should be doing. A question was raised about whether Chair or co-chair or appointee could participate in SC meeting - SC indicated yes, the self-organization of the PC isn't the SC's concern.

    Betty related that she had received complaints that the community meeting was kind-of "dry", so some time was spent discussing format, if there's any hope of making financials and governance reports non-boring, and the like.

    The newcomer's session was very well attended, and it was suggested that the room placement played a role. Betty said that it needed to function more as a mixer and introduction. Scheduling seems good, as previous attempts to run on Sunday night were not well received, and the discussion over food is conducive to having folks introduced, and low-pressure socializing. Ad-hoc seemed more of interest than the classroom-and-presentation style, but we need to work on a way to strike a balance with a minimal 'orientation'. Models used at other conferences were discussed, including limiting the non-newcomers to a certain proportion of the room, invites-only, et al. Rodney suggested also newcomer's variants for badges to help outgoing old-hats engage them. Randy suggested the inverse, to have a "willing to help" newcomers' tag. An additional voluntary dot colour was mentioned as possible.

    Randy thanked the assembled PC and SC and said that we were doing "not bad for hippies."

  5. Meeting adjourned 21:15 UTC

October 14, 2008 Steering Committee Meeting Minutes


  • Betty Burke (SC, Merit)
  • Randy Bush (SC, outgoing)
  • Kris Foster (MLC Chair)
  • Steve Feldman (SC)
  • Patrick Gilmore (SC)
  • Jared Mauch (SC)
  • Joe Provo (SC Chair, incoming)
  • Robert Seastrom (SC)
  • Philip Smith (SC Chair, outgoing)
  • Todd Underwood (PC Chair)
  • Don Welch (guest, Merit)

Apologies Received:

  • Christopher Morrow (SC


  1. Meeting quorum called 19:33 PDT
  2. Selection of new chair

    A long discussion took place regarding the selection of a new chair. Chris was polled by voice call. Joe was selected.

  3. PC selection

    It was verified that all SC members could make the 07:30 meeting tomorrow, therefore PC selection was deferred until then. This will allow everyone to familiarize themselves with the options; Todd (as current PC chair) will provide comments on members who are standing for re-appointment.

  4. Conference call schedule

    The new call schedule was discussed, and it was agreed that the fortnightly schedule was amenable. Least-conflicts will occur on Tuesdays and we'll stick to 20:00 Eastern. Betty will work up the suggested calendar to best avoid conflicts.

  5. SC liaison roles

    Due to time constraints, this will also be deferred to the morning meeting.

  6. Meeting adjourned 20:39 PDT

October 15, 2008 Steering Committee Meeting Minutes

Present in person:

  • Betty Burke (SC, Merit)
  • Steve Feldman (SC)
  • Jared Mauch (SC)
  • Joe Provo (SC Chair, incoming)
  • Todd Underwood (PC Chair)
  • Don Welch (guest, Merit)
  • Robert E. Seastrom (SC)
  • Patrick Gilmore (SC)

On Phone:

  • Christopher Morrow (SC


  1. Meeting called to order with quarum at 14:50 GMT

    Chris on Phone (we could not hear him, but he heard us - mostly)

  2. Agenda Bashing:

    Call Scheduling was added to agenda


    Commentary from Chris on the PC Candidates in e-mail.
    Commentary from Todd about what we need on the PC.

    Went around the room to get everyone's short list for the PC. The Program Committee Candidates were discussed in detail with each SC member offering their feedback and short list. Eight candidates were selected.

  4. Action Item:
    • Joe to send e-mail to all elected PC members + If anyone declines, SC to pick an alternate
    • If anyone gets nominated before 15:30, PC to confirm in e-mail those candidates are not chosen
    • Todd to follow up with people who didn't make it
  5. Next meeting November 21, 2008, 00:00 GMT

    Meetings to be every two weeks at 20:00 Eastern time - Specifically not 00:00 GMT, to deal with DST

  6. Meeting Closed 18:37 GMT

October 21, 2008 Steering Committee Meeting Minutes


  • Betty Burke(Merit)
  • Steve Feldman
  • Kris Foster(MLC)
  • Patrick Gilmore
  • Jared Mauch
  • Joe Provo
  • Rob Seastrom
  • Todd Underwood(PC)

Apologies received in advance

  • Chris Morrow


  1. Meeting called to order with quarum at 20:07 EDT
  2. Previous meeting minutes

    To be posted

  3. Liason Roles
    • Chair Delegate - Jared Mauch
    • MLC - Steve Feldman
    • PC - Chris Morrow
    • General Merit - Jared Mauch
    • Meeting Logistics - Rob Seastrom
    • Postel Scholarship - Rob Seastrom
    • GPF Liason - Patrick Gilmore
    • NANOG Website/Infrastructure - Joe Provo
    • Marketing/Sponsorship - Patrick Gilmore

    additional outreach/liason roles discussion tabled for next meeting

  4. MLC Update
    • Call for Volunteers to be sent out by Kris Foster in coming days
    • Update and discussion of recent MLC activities
  5. PC Update
    • Talk recruitment for NANOG45 going well
    • New PC having first call tomorrow and beginning to use talk submission tool - Talk tool needs to be updated for 2 "open" meetings at once
    • Chair, Vice-Chair selection to happen Nov 4th
  6. NANOG44 (Los Angeles, CA) Wrap-Up
    • Low Survey Response, Betty Burke will send survey reminder to N44 attendee list
    • Follow-up discussions with ARIN
    • Web updated with election results and final slides
  7. NANOG45 (Santa Domingo, DR)
    • engineering calls start next week
  8. End of meeting called at 21:20 EDT

November 3, 2008 Steering Committee Meeting Minutes


  • Joe Provo (SC chair)
  • Betty Burke (SC)
  • Steve Feldman (SC)
  • Kris Foster (ex-officio, MLC chair)
  • Patrick Gilmore (SC)
  • Jared Mauch (SC)
  • Christopher Morrow (SC)
  • Robert Seastrom (SC)
  • Todd Underwood (ex-officio, PC chair)


  1. The meeting was called to order at 17:00 PST
  2. Agenda Bashing:

    Steve will take minutes for this meeting.

  3. Previous meeting minutes

    The previous meeting minutes have been approved, Jared will send them to Merit for publishing.

  4. MLC update (MLC rep)

    Kris mentioned that some MLC members have been discussing alternatives to siphon off-topic discussion from the main list, such as a separate mailing list or web-based forum.

    In executive session, the SC discuss and selected candidates for the two open MLC positions. From a slate of seven candidates, Tim Yocum and Randy Epstien were chosen for two-year terms.

    Kris will confirm that Tim and Randy are still willing to serve, and will notify all the candidates of the results.

  5. NANOG 44 wrap report

    Merit is compiling survey results, and should should have a preliminary version available for SC review soon. There was a 13% response rate from attendees.

    Merit is still working with hotel for final numbers. Preliminary results may be available in about two weeks, but at this point Merit expects that the meeting resulted in a net profit. It was noted that if this holds, NANOG will have had four profitable meetings in a row.

    Betty will share some historical data with the current SC

    Betty spoke with Susan Hamlin, ARIN's Director of Member Services. They are working on locations for Fall 2009, and are beginning to think about 2010. ARIN will have a new committee structure in January. There will be Program Committee-level discussions about the joint meeting structure. ARIN has announced a new schedule of three meetings per year beginning in 2010, with one each in the Caribbean, Canada, and the U.S. The U.S. meeting will continue to be in the fall, joint with NANOG.

  6. PC update

    Todd reports that the Program Committee will hold a conference call tomorrow (Nov. 4), during which the chair for 2009 will be selected.

    Talk recruiting for NANOG 45 is in progress.

    Todd held an orientation call for new PC members, which was well-received. Todd plans to create a document with information from the orientation for future use.

  7. NANOG 45 update

    Betty reports that the first planning call for NANOG 45 was held. There are some initial challenges due to the location, such as potential shipping issues.

    Registration is now open, and the hotel link is up on the NANOG site.

  8. Low budget/Startup scholarship

    Betty and Jared will set up a call to discuss this. Among things to be considered is an annual sponsorship model.

  9. SC liaison roles

    Rob is considering creating an informal vetting committee to assist with candidate selection for the Postel scholarship.

    Steve will send Merit the updated charter page, including amendments passed during the 2008 election, for posting.

    The meeting was adjourned at 18:03 PST.

    The next call will be on Tuesday, Nov. 18, according the normal schedule. Joe and Betty will be on vacation and unable to attend. Jared will be acting chair for the meeting.

December 16, 2008 Steering Committee Meeting Minutes


  • Betty Burke (SC, Merit)
  • Randy Epstein (MLC)
  • Steve Feldman (SC)
  • Jared Mauch (SC)
  • Christopher Morrow (SC)
  • Joe Provo (SC Chair)
  • Robert Seastrom (SC)
  • Todd Underwood (PC Chair)

Apologies Received:

  • Patrick Gilmore (SC)


  1. Meeting quorum called 20:05 EST
  2. Administrivia:

    No agenda changes, Joe will take minutes.

  3. Previous meeting minutes

    Jared received no comments that required changes, and will request publication.

  4. Meeting schedule

    No one expressed a need to change the meeting schedule around the New Year holiday.

  5. Previous meeting status

    Betty indicated that the NANOG44 financials are as presented in email; while there is one outstanding ARIN payment, there is no variance and we have a solid final number. As the SC could see no reason to wait until NANOG45 community meeting, Betty will try to get the data posted this week.

  6. Pending meeting (NANOG 45) status

    As of now we have 124 registrations, including approximately 30 nonpaying staff and speakers. While we are always slow on Q4 registrations, the earlier meeting date (end of January) and slowing economy are reasons for concern. Betty reported there are seven confirmed Beer & Gear sponsors and one in-progress.

    At meeting time, there were no break sponsors, though a member on the call was going to check with his employer. Betty mentioned some contacts concerned with budgets in the slowdown. The benefits of an extended beer & gear versus post-events socials were discussed. SC outreach efforts to increase registrations were discussed. Joe will come up with some possible groups & organizations for SC members to contact.

    Todd reported that the (likely) final PC call for the meeting just took place. At the end of the call, one tutorial slot was left. There were 47 submissions, 10 of which were withdrawn by the the submitters; out of the remaining 37, 25 were accepted and 8 rejected. The remainder were pending or provisional acceptances.

    RS reported that connectivity is moving along, some additional sponsor conversations were pending as of this call. Betty indicated that router configuration was needed by this Friday [19 Dec] to allow for equipment shipping; installation is expected January 6 to allow for testing. Connectivity will be fiber into local exchange point.

    There were some concerns regarding customs ad the waivers arranged for NANOG folks. To expedite customs, attendees should be reminded to carry a hardcopy of their meeting registration confirmation. Should folks be traveling from countries which need a "letter of invitation" for business visas, Merit has a standard letter available.

  7. Mailing List Committee

    Randy (on behalf of the MLC) reported that the list had been fairly quiet. In recent weeks, there had been active participation by members of the MLC in bounce handling and list moderation. Definite improvement was noted, and Betty relayed that taking more of the standard admin duties was noted and appreciated at Merit. Discussion of the current MLC's organization revolved around the SC's desire to facilitate rather than dictate how the other groups operate. Betty shared that additional Merit resources had been identified as available for experiments with other fora/constructs.

    As far as statistics go, there are 9538 registered subscribers, and 4 or 5 notices were sent recently. The statistics on the website should be up to date.

  8. Future meeting information

    The six meeting horizon was reviewed, and we are in the best shape yet. NANOG46 dates, site and host are sorted barring a final hotel matter and should be able to be announced well before NANOG45. The details for NANOG47 are also mostly sorted, and unless issues come up should also be announced prior to NANOG45. NANOG48 has been coming together, and while agreements have not yet been finalized they are expected to be sorted in early January. NANOG49 is still being worked, but NANOG50 has a strong likely host.

  9. Network experiment criteria/checklist

    Joe expects to have a draft out to the SC before next meeting.

  10. Scholarships

    Rob reported an early Postel submission, and he will confer with Betty regarding the posted text. Some details regarding the other half of the recommendation team are being sorted with ARIN folks. Jared and Betty discussed some of the details regarding the new multi-party/long-tail contributions; they will have a face-to-face follow up after Christmas.

  11. Open NANOG infrastructure items

    Todd and Richard Steenbergen are working with Larry Blunk on updates to the NANOG PC tool. Steve offered some insights and suggestions regarding the pre-holiday work.

  12. AOB

    Steve noted that the charter updates are not yet up on the website.

  13. Meeting adjourned 21:05 EST

December 30, 2008 Steering Committee Meeting Minutes


  • Joe Provo (SC chair)
  • Steve Feldman (SC)
  • Kris Foster (ex-officio, MLC chair)
  • Jared Mauch (SC)
  • Christopher Morrow (SC)
  • Robert Seastrom (SC)
  • Todd Underwood (ex-officio, PC chair)

Unable to Attend:

  • Betty Burke (SC)
  • Patrick Gilmore (SC)


  1. Agenda bashing

    Steve will take minutes for this meeting.

  2. Previous meeting minutes

    Jared has the minutes from two meetings ago ready to publish. Joe has sent minutes from the previous meeting for review.

  3. Meeting schedule

    The next meeting is tentatively scheduled for Monday, Jan. 12 (a day earlier than usual.)

  4. Other administrivia, if any

    Don Welch (CEO of Merit) will be unable to attend NANOG 45.

  5. MLC

    A commercial spam-blocking system (Proofpoint) has had the NANOG list on its blacklist recently. A representative from the company has been working with the MLC to ensure that won't continue.

    Kris will work with Merit to get recent stats posted on the NANOG site.

    There has been discussion among the MLC about a recent thread concerning a provider outage, and whether it is relevant to the NANOG list. The MLC has elected to move the discussion to the nanog-futures list to gauge community opinion.

  6. Pending meeting (NANOG 45) status

    A LACNIC representative has expressed interest in speaking at NANOG 45. Todd will ensure there is agenda time available.

    The PC hopes to have confirmation soon that a representative of the Dominican Republic government will give a presentation.

    161 people have registered so far, including about 30 non-paid.

    There are 8 Beer & Gear sponsors confirmed.

    There are still some unresolved issues with network connectivity. Rob will work with the meeting host to resolve these after the new year holiday.

  7. Scholarships

    Jared will schedule time with Betty to work on an overall plan for scholarships and other attendee subsidies.

    There has been no recent activity on the Postel Scholarship for Fall 2009.

  8. Pending meeting discussion

    Joe discussed the need for all committee members to assist with community outreach to encourage attendance at NANOG 45.

  9. Committee feedback loop

    No current issues were reported with either the MLC or PC.

  10. Future meeting information

    Due to Betty's absence, this will be deferred to t he next meeting.

  11. NANOG infrastructure

    Merit has indicated that additional machines can be made available to NANOG. The MLC and SC need to work on a plan to utilize them, including provisioning of additional community interaction methods (such as a message board or wiki).

    A desire has been expressed to allow self-publishing to the NANOG sites of various items, such as committee reports and these minutes. Discussion with Merit is needed to determine what is desirable and feasible.

    Steve has updated the lightning talk submission component of the Program Committee tools, mostly back-end changes to simplify management.

    Todd and Richard Steenbergen are working on additions to allow speakers to upload their own slides.

  12. Sponsorship models and Marketing

    No activity to report.

  13. Network experiment criteria/checklist

    No activity to report.

  14. AOB

    Steve will remind Merit to post the revised charter including the amendments passed in October 2008. The meeting was adjourned at 17:53 pst