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Re: Now the idiots at ORBS are probing random dial-ups

  • From: Brett L. Hawn
  • Date: Tue Aug 22 14:52:03 2000

----- Original Message -----
From: "Barry Shein" <[email protected]>
To: "John Payne" <[email protected]>
Cc: "Keith Woodworth" <[email protected]>; <[email protected]>
Sent: Tuesday, August 22, 2000 2:37 PM
Subject: Re: Now the idiots at ORBS are probing random dial-ups

> The problem is, other than hassling the honest this approach just
> doesn't work.
> I currently measure around 1,000 open relays PER DAY being used
> against us by spammers.
> The problem is several orders of magnitude larger than anything like
> MAPS' approach can hope to make a dent in. It's like trying to stop
> the west nile virus with a flyswatter. Showing the occasional dead
> mosquito doesn't quite prove the method is working.

It does however, prove that there is one less mosquitoe that could transmit
it. The simple fact is, MAPS (I don't count ORBS based on numerous
complaints that have long since passed through this forum multiple times) is
_TRYING_ to do something about it. Think about how bad it might well be if
they weren't out there working on the problem instead of sitting on the
sidelines bitching like some folks. Bottom line, you can piss moan and whine
all you want, but in this particular case, the old adage of 'if you're not
part of the solution, you're part of the problen' holds terribly true.

A failure to recognize the problems created by open relays run by your
customers (or anyone else's for that matter) is just about inconvience for a
few people but inconvience for thousands of people. I don't measure traffic,
I don't read statistics as a rule, and I have a tendency to disbelieve
people spouting numbers claiming them as truth. That being said, if I were
to use my own personal mailbox as a gauge of just how much spam transits my
own networks on a daily basis, well, I'd guess I could cut an easy 5mb/sec
off my usage. This in and of itself is a miniscule amount of data to my
network, however, to individual people, this is a signficant amount, to
small mom & pop shops, thats a LOT of data. For those who have to pay per
minute connection charges, that equates to a lot of wasted time and money.

Bitch if you will Mr. Shein, but in a long term view, I'd rather see a few
of your customers be inconvienced because you didn't do the right thing by
shutting down open relays which smarthost through your mail servers than
have to filter/delete another 4 pieces of spam out of my mailbox, and that
sir, is what it really boils down to.