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Re: Why do some ISP's have bandwidth quotas?

  • From: Andy Johnson
  • Date: Mon Oct 08 11:40:45 2007

From: "Daniel Senie" <[email protected]>
> Verizon, it's particularly sad, charges $19.95/month for dialup
> that'll also tie up a POTS line, where it'll offer the lowest DSL
> speeds at $14.95. And Verizon "cherry picks" the places where it
> offers DSL (and moreso for FiOS) so the affluent towns get high speed
> service, while the rural and poorer places only have available dialup
> (and that dialup is more expensive).

In my experience, the support cost of DSL is significantly cheaper than
dial-up in terms of helpdesk calls. DSL/Cable/FiOS is typically a plug and
play, where as dialup can be quite a bit more troublesome, involving more
tech time in the long run.