North American Network Operators Group

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Re: NANOG 40 agenda posted

  • From: Donald Stahl
  • Date: Tue May 29 17:12:18 2007

How do you get to actually get *used*, when your average
user doesn't know where they set '' in their PC's configuration,
and either don't understand why sometimes's it's and sometimes it's, or don't even bother, they just type 'foo' into the address bar
and let the browser add www. and .com, or they go to google and enter 'foo'
and hit "I feel lucky"?
I don't want these sorts of people testing my systems with IPv6- I want a technically savvy user who can offer me helpful feedback- at least initially. Eventually- once I am sure the network is stable- the service is stable, etc.- then you can add A and AAAA records for the primary service.
