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Re: Schneier: ISPs should bear security burden

  • From: Adi Linden
  • Date: Thu Apr 28 10:22:07 2005

> And how exactly does that translate to the online world?

It doesn't. There is none or very little punishment for lawlessness and
missbehaviour in the online world.

> Despite the safety and environmental regulations and the fact that
> you have to have a driver's license and insurance (at least here in
> NL), there is no requirement that your locks are industrial strength.
> Or that your car can be locked at all, for that matter.

There is a clear understanding of right and wrong in the general
population. There is law enforcement and meaning full punishment for
crooks and thieves. In the online world I have no recurse against anyone
compromising my computer.

> The fact that a compromised computer doesn't really hurt you all that
> much in the real world is exactly the reason why so many users don't
> care about security. When driving a car they at least have to be
> drunk to reach that level of carelessness.

The fact is that in the online world the abuser is laughing while the
abused is left to clean up the damage. Because a compromised computer
doesn't really hurt most do not even know that they are a victim.
