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Re: Deaggregating for emergency purposes

  • From: Omachonu Ogali
  • Date: Tue Aug 06 16:16:54 2002

On Tue, Aug 06, 2002 at 03:56:32PM -0400, Daniel Senie wrote:
> At 02:50 PM 8/6/02, you wrote:
> >Phil,
> >         You would think, after hearing about 30 people with clue+++
> >talk, you may realize that this is a patently *bad* thing and should not
> >be done.
> Actually, what the many people have said sounded a lot more like "it won't 
> help very much."
> >  If your route's are being hijacked you can generally solve your
> >problems in 2-5 phone calls...That's all it's *ever* taken me.
> >1. Call their NOC.
> typical response: you're not our customer, go away.

Typical response: You're not our customer, who are you?
I'm Omachonu Ogali with XYZ Networks, and I'd like to speak to
a network engineer regarding a routing problem.
-- Ah ok, please hold.
> >2. If not helpful call their upstream.
> typical response: you're not our customer, go away.

See above.
> >3. Call a couple of Tier 1's who are transit for their upstream, and
> >have them filter it.
> response: who the hell are you?

Cut the crap, when US/CKS was leaking Digex to UUnet, I
called UUnet, and within 30 minutes the problem was resolved.
Plus when I called, I wasn't representing any company or
calling any magic numbers.
> Until you get back to the people you buy transit from, or peer with, and 
> try to get them to take on your cause. When you can't get your own 
> upstreams to understand what you're talking about, you post to NANOG, and 
> the problem gets solved in short order.

No, most of you post to NANOG about irrelevant drivel that brings
the S/N ratio lower each year, or you post 3-4 hops out of a 12
hop traceroute, or you resort to NANOG instead of calling your
upstream first, or you talk about implementing the most wacked out
routing policy to exist on the planet.
> This tends to be the sad reality.

Yes, the above tends to be the sad reality.

> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> Daniel Senie                                        [email protected]
> Amaranth Networks Inc.          
Omachonu Ogali
[email protected]