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Re: Why do some companies get depeered and some don't?

  • From: Patrick W. Gilmore
  • Date: Sun Nov 02 23:41:08 2008

On Nov 2, 2008, at 4:33 PM, Brandon Galbraith wrote:
On 11/2/08, Joe Maimon <[email protected]> wrote:
Patrick W. Gilmore wrote:
On Oct 31, 2008, at 1:32 AM, Nelson Lai wrote:

Why do some companies like Cogent get depeered relatively often and companies like Teleglobe don't even get talked about and operate in silence free from depeering?

That's funny. One of the first networks to de-peer Cogent was Teleglobe. They re-peered after a bit.

The next obvious question is: When Sprint, Telia & L3 de-peering Cogent, it causes a lot of news in the press & noise on NANOG, so why didn't you know Teleglobe depeered Cogent?

Imagine the news had they all depeered cogent at the same time.

Imagine the lawsuits and government regulation had that occurred.

That would be none.
