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Re: Why do some companies get depeered and some don't?

  • From: Brandon Galbraith
  • Date: Sun Nov 02 16:33:36 2008

On 11/2/08, Joe Maimon <[email protected]> wrote:
> Patrick W. Gilmore wrote:
>> On Oct 31, 2008, at 1:32 AM, Nelson Lai wrote:
>>  Why do some companies like Cogent get depeered relatively often and
>>> companies like Teleglobe don't even get talked about and operate in silence
>>> free from depeering?
>> That's funny.  One of the first networks to de-peer Cogent was Teleglobe.
>>  They re-peered after a bit.
>> The next obvious question is: When Sprint, Telia & L3 de-peering Cogent,
>> it causes a lot of news in the press & noise on NANOG, so why didn't you
>> know Teleglobe depeered Cogent?
> Imagine the news had they all depeered cogent at the same time.

Imagine the lawsuits and government regulation had that occurred.

Brandon Galbraith
Voice: 630.400.6992
Email: [email protected]