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Re: Watch your replies (was Kremen....)

  • From: Justin M. Streiner
  • Date: Wed Sep 13 16:41:23 2006

On Wed, 13 Sep 2006, [email protected] wrote:

It's insulting
when you trim the message to a shorter statement that you are
responding to.  The other 18 lines may not have been important to this
particular response but they were not content free.
If your content was in any way, interesting, then people
will have read it in the message that you posted. I see
no need to repeat a bunch of irrelevant text when I am
only replying to one point in your email.

Personally, I wish more people would trim away all the
irrelevant junk when replying.
I'm not singling any one person out, but when a thread that started off talking about RIR policy issues and IP address portability debate gets this far off track, then it's time for that thread to die or be taken out-of-band.

