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Re: How to Blocking VoIP ( H.323) ?

  • From: John Curran
  • Date: Sat Nov 13 20:44:00 2004

At 9:46 AM -0800 11/12/04, Alexei Roudnev wrote:
>Not too easy, but I can imagine few alghoritms doing it. Remember that VoIP
>uses short packets, and you cam always recognize Ack and Tcp packets which
>should not be disrupted. Jitter does not slow down network, except if it
>interacts with RTT calculartion in TCP/IP.

Agreed; presuming you could find a friendly vendor to code such
a feature and who has the reasonable hardware to support (as
intentional jitter would make for amusing buffer activity on any
high speed links).

However, attempting to deploy such in the presence of any
competitive market would likely result in widespread customer
migration.  A government or assured monopoly could deploy
it, though, and then charge a premium for those who want it
removed (i.e. "premium data service") which conveniently
happens to match their current voice tariffs...
