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Forget Bernie...

  • From: blitz
  • Date: Thu May 02 04:08:44 2002

Bernie was dragged kicking and screaming out of Wcom today according to news I read....perhaps they chained him to his multi-milliondollar sailboat and pushed it twords the Bermuda triangle.
John Sidgmore is now CEO. Yawn...
Of course, they make little mention of his $630 mil "loan" that seems to be "dissapeared".

Then become a UUNET customer cause we already do this... Perhaps other
providers with 24/7 security teams will pipe up to give potential
customers a heads-up on options other than UUNET? If you go with UUNET
please tell the sales driod I sent you cause then I get 50 bucks :) (my
only raise thanks to bernie)