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Re: /24s run amuck again

  • From: Simon Lyall
  • Date: Fri Jun 08 05:30:21 2001

On Fri, 8 Jun 2001, Richard A. Steenbergen wrote:
> This mean over 57% of the routing table consists of /24s. So in order to
> facilitate getting this fixed, I have prepared a list of the worst
> offenders and their specific blocks which (most likely) have no reason for
> not being aggregated. If all of these entries could be aggregated (and I'm
> certain this simple script missed some), it would reduce the routing table
> by over 29,000 entries, to less the 78k. I think it's pretty obvious that
> a lot of these simply have no excuse.

I'd suggest you review your data. Checking our AS (7657) you list networks
we havn't had for 6 months advertised to a peer we havn't had for 3

Not to mention you don't even list a bunch of /24s we are advertising
(for various reasons (not all good)).

Simon Lyall.                |  Newsmaster  | Work: [email protected]
Senior Network/System Admin |  Postmaster  | Home: [email protected]
ihug, Auckland, NZ          | Asst Doorman | Web: