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Re: Is it time to abandon bogon prefix filters?

  • From: Kevin Loch
  • Date: Wed Aug 20 10:00:49 2008

Pekka Savola wrote:
On Tue, 19 Aug 2008, Kevin Loch wrote:
     While you're at it, you also placed the reachable-via rx on
 all your customer interfaces.  If you're paranoid, start with the 'any'
 rpf and then move to the strict rpf.  The strict rpf also helps with
 routing loops.

Be careful not to enable strict rpf on multihomed customers. This includes
any bgp customer unless you know for sure they are single homed to you and that will not

Strict uRPF (feasible paths variant, RFC3704) works just fine with multihomed customers here.

But we don't allow TE more specifics either from the customer or from peers, so the longest prefix matching doesn't get messed up. And with certain kind of p2p link numbering, you may need to add a dummy static route. But it works.

It doesn't look like the feasible paths rpf handles the situation where your bgp customer is not announcing all or any of their prefixes to you. This can be done for TE or debugging an inbound routing issue. Announcing prefixes to me and then blackholing the traffic is not something I would appreciate as a customer.

If you do this (or strict rpf) on BGP customers at least warn them up front
that if they ever stop announcing prefixes to you then traffic they send
you will get dropped.

- Kevin