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Re: FBI tells the public to call their ISP for help

  • From: Scott Weeks
  • Date: Fri Jun 15 16:47:50 2007

----------------- [email protected] wrote:---------------
From: "D'Arcy J.M. Cain" <[email protected]>

"Scott Weeks" <[email protected]> wrote:
> : Most ISPs recommend using Microsoft software or
> : provide software for the Microsoft platform, and 
> : require to turn on JavaScript
> I've never heard of an ISP requiring this.  They might provide it for you if you want to use their branded Micro$loth-oriented software, but it's not a requirement.  Any ISP requiring folks to use a particular OS is doomed to fail.

You're kidding, right?  Have you ever called an ISP to report a
technical problem that has nothing to do with your computer or even
your connection to them, say a reverse DNS issue?  If you tell them
that you run Unix they just ask you to run IE anyway.  If you don't run
Windows they won't help you.  That's a pretty clear message.

No I've never heard of that except, possibly, from non-clued phone monkeys.  It's easy to get past them to more clued folks, though...
