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Re: Google wants to be your Internet

  • From: Stephen Sprunk
  • Date: Sun Jan 21 00:10:14 2007

Thus spake "Adrian Chadd" <[email protected]>
On Sun, Jan 21, 2007, Charlie Allom wrote:
> This is a pure example of a problem from the operational front > which
> can be floated to research and the industry, with smarter solutions
> than port blocking and QoS.

This is what I am interested/scared by.

Its not that hard a problem to get on top of. Caching, unfortunately, continues to be viewed as anaethma by ISP network operators in the US. Strangely enough the caching technologies aren't a problem with the content -delivery- people.

US ISPs get paid on bits sent, so they're going to be _against_ caching because caching reduces revenue. Content providers, OTOH, pay the ISPs for bits sent, so they're going to be _for_ caching because it increases profits. The resulting stalemate isn't hard to predict.

I've had a few ISPs out here in Australia indicate interest in a cache
that could do the normal stuff (http, rtsp, wma) and some of the p2p
stuff (bittorrent especially) with a smattering of QoS/shaping/control -
but not cost upwards of USD$100,000 a box. Lots of interest, no

Basically, they're looking for a box that delivers what P2P networks inherently do by default. If the rate-limiting is sane, then only a copy (or two) will need to come in over the slow overseas pipes, and it'll be replicated and reassembled locally over fast pipes. What, exactly, is a middlebox supposed to add to this picture?

It doesn't help (at least in Australia) where the wholesale model of
ADSL isn't content-replication-friendly: we have to buy ATM or
ethernet pipes to upstreams and then receive each session via L2TP.
Fine from an aggregation point of view, but missing the true usefuless
of content replication and caching - right at the point where your
customers connect in.

So what you have is a Layer 8 problem due to not letting the network topology match the physical topology. No magical box is going to save you from hairpinning traffic between a thousand different L2TP pipes. The best you can hope for is that the rate limits for those L2TP pipes will be orders of magnitude larger than the rate limit for them to talk upstream -- and you don't need any new tools to do that, just intelligent use of what you already have.

(Disclaimer: I'm one of the Squid developers. I'm getting an increasing
amount of interest from CDN/content origination players but none from
ISPs. I'd love to know why ISPs don't view caching as a viable option
in today's world and what we could to do make it easier for y'all.)

As someone who voluntarily used a proxy and gave up, and has worked in an IT dept that did the same thing, it's pretty easy to explain: there are too many sites that aren't cache-friendly. It's easy for content folks to put up their own caches (or Akamaize) because they can design their sites to account for it, but an ISP runs too much risk of breaking users' experiences when they apply caching indiscriminately to the entire Web. Non-idempotent GET requests are the single biggest breakage I ran into, and the proliferation of dynamically-generated "Web 2.0" pages (or faulty Expires values) are the biggest factor that wastes bandwidth by preventing caching.


Stephen Sprunk "God does not play dice." --Albert Einstein
CCIE #3723 "God is an inveterate gambler, and He throws the
K5SSS dice at every possible opportunity." --Stephen Hawking