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Re: New N.Y. Law Targets Hidden Net LD Tolls

  • From: Sean Donelan
  • Date: Thu Aug 18 04:06:39 2005

On Thu, 18 Aug 2005, Richard A Steenbergen wrote:
> Sounds like the standard notice that all reputable ISPs are probably
> already giving. Given the very real potential for grandma and grandpa to
> pick a number off a list which looks like it is in their area code and end
> up with a multi-thousand dollar phone bill the next month, I'm surprised
> consumer protection folks haven't asked for such a requirement sooner.

I assume the NY AG will also be targeting enforcement of Domino's Pizza
because they have lots of phone numbers and consumers may unknowingly dial
a phone number to order a pizza which may be a toll call in their area.