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Re: compromized host list available

  • From: Joseph S D Yao
  • Date: Thu Jul 21 12:39:18 2005

On Thu, Jul 21, 2005 at 12:31:13PM -0400, Joe Abley wrote:
> Unless I'm mistaken (and my first report hasn't arrived yet, so maybe I 
> am) this is more of a "heads up! the following addresses within your 
> network are listed on DNSBLs" than anything else.
> I can't see why you'd add a disclaimer to a report like that.

The announcement didn't state the intended use - which, given the
ingenuity of some, is most reasonable.  But there are those who will
believe whatever they read, as long as it's in a report, and especially
if the report is automatically generated.  Must be true, then, eh?  A
report, eh?  And done by one of them infallible computer dinguses, eh?

;-)  [in case anyone needed it]

Joe Yao
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