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Re: 72/8 friendly reminder

  • From: Steven M. Bellovin
  • Date: Wed Mar 23 14:08:07 2005

In message <[email protected]>, Randy Bush writes:
>>> We were recently assigned a 72.244/16 allocation from ARIN. Friendly
>>> reminder that ARIN started allocating 72/8 since Aug. If you have a
>>> static bogon filters, can you please make sure they are updated. Thank
>> if you are really worried about this, and i can understand your
>> being so, then make it easy for the busy folk here (not those
>> pontificating on law and morals in the rocky mountains) to test.
>> give us an address we can ping.
>a bit more coffee made me realize that what might best occur would
>be for the rir, some weeks BEFORE assigning from a new block issued
>by the iana, put up a pingable for that space and announce it on
>the lists so we can all test BEFORE someone uses space from that

That's a good idea.  Maybe we can take it a step further: let each AS 
owner register an IP address with IANA or their RIR, and use this test 
box to ping the AS owner.  It should be scalable -- there are only 
about 20k ASs, as I recall.  The real expense, other than the single 
box per RIR, is developing the software that lets each AS register an 
IP address and an email address to contact if the pings fail.

		--Prof. Steven M. Bellovin,