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Re: AOL scomp

  • From: Robert Bonomi
  • Date: Sat Feb 26 15:35:26 2005

> From [email protected]  Sat Feb 26 13:42:19 2005
> Date: Sat, 26 Feb 2005 10:27:40 -0500
> From: Rich Kulawiec <[email protected]>
> To: [email protected]
> Subject: Re: AOL scomp
> On Fri, Feb 25, 2005 at 01:34:21AM -0600, Robert Bonomi wrote:
> > Because the recipient *expressly* requested that "all mail which would reach
> > my inbox on your system be sent to me at AOL (or any other "somewhere else").
> I have three somewhat-overlapping responses to that -- and I'll try to
> stay focused on operational issues, since this is NANOG, not Spam-L.
> (But if you to delve further into this, I would suggest shifting the
> discussion there, as it's probably more appropriate.)
> 1. SMTP spam is not mail.

"Spam -- it's about _consent_, not *content*."

If I, the forwarding system operator have the _consent_ of the mailbox owner
on the destination system to forward messages to him, they are *not* spam
on _that_ system.  This *is* a separaate issue as to whether or not they
are spam _on_the_forwarding_system_.  Yes, the forwarding system should do
everything "reasonable" to suppress spam from (a) reaching the local inbox
*or* (b) being forwarded, if the customer has requested mail forwarding.

If the recipient has a problem with receiving the forwarded message, he should 
complain _to_the_FORWARDING_system_ about it.  *NOT* to the destinaiton system.

> So while the end user on some remote system may have in fact said
> "send me everything, including the spam" (although this seems very
> unlikely)

How about various 'spamtrap' mailboxes, auto-forwarded to a central location
for "further processing"?   <evil grin>

> > This means that every such message from the 'forwarding' system to the
> > destination system is, BY DEFINITON, "solicited". The mailbox owner has
> > expressly and explicictly requested those messages be sent to him at the
> > receiving system.
> This is a definition of "solicited" which is wholly at odds with that
> in common practice for the last few decades.   By your definition,
> the victim of a mailbombing attack would have somehow "solicited" that
> abuse merely because they have a forwarding alias on your system.

NOT AT ALL. It *IS* 'unsolicited' on _my_ system.  It is *not* unsolicited
at the final destination system.  Questions/complaints/help-requests should
be sent *TO*ME*, not to the destination system.  He's *MY* customer, too.
I've got an incentive to 'make things right'.

> I'm not having any.  UBE (the proper definition of SMTP spam) doesn't
> magically become not-UBE just because it gets forwarded by somebody.

Suppose my user "manually" forwards a 'spam' message to an account of his
on another system.  And then _forgets_ that *he* did it.  And reports it
to *that* provider as spam coming from my system.

Is this _my_ fault?  IS spam originating from my system?  Should I terminate
this user for 'spamming'?

> It's still spam, and anyone sending/forwarding it is personally
> responsible for their choice to do so.

"It's about *consent*, not _content_."  Want to try to deny that the 
recipient _consented_ to the forwarding from his other account?

It is _not_ 'unsolicited' (the first word of UBE / UCE) on the destination
system.  It *may*well* be 'unsolicited' at the system where the customer
has the forwarding mailbox.  Complaints should be directed to *THAT* system
operator, *not* the operator of the destination system.

Note: I *agree* that "anyone sending/forwarding it is personally responsible
fortheri choice to do so."  The person that *made* that choice -- to forward 
that message -- however, is _the_customer_; the 'owner' of mailbox on the 
'forwarding' system, *and* the 'owner' of the mailbox on the destination 

If "my customer" (in his identity on the receiving system) reports "my 
customer" (in his identity on _my_ system) as sending spam, should I 
terminate him from my system?  After all, he's identified _himself_ as
the spammer. 

> (Yes, I realize that it's not possible to achieve perfection, but that
> isn't an excuse for failure to keep trying, continuously.  It's not
> difficult to block 90% of spam using simple, free measures that rely
> entirely on open-source software and freely-accessible data.  There's
> thus no valid excuse for not doing at least that much -- today.)

Yup. Keep it from getting to the point it 'would' get to his inbox, and it
won't get forwarded, either. 

But, if it _does_ get through, the recipient should be complaining about it
_to_me_, not to the operator of the destination system.