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Re: Unplugging spamming PCs

  • From: Ben Browning
  • Date: Wed Jun 23 15:35:53 2004

At 10:07 AM 6/23/2004, Sam Hayes Merritt, III wrote:
That is still reactive (first the abuse has to occur, then you try and
filter anymore from occuring), at least they might be now be doing
something that everyone else has been doing for years.
To me, this smacks of an intent to continue ignoring the root cause of the problem(the box is 0wnz0r3d) and just shoving it under the rug. When these customers move to another provider, they will still have the problem, and the cost of educating the customer (w/r/t spam, virii, etc) gets shunted to the next ISP the customer moves to.

Ben Browning <[email protected]>
The River Internet Access Co.
WA Operations Manager