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Re: Personal Co-location Registry

  • From: Steven M. Bellovin
  • Date: Wed Mar 17 22:53:09 2004

In message <[email protected]>, Paul Vixie writes:
>(1) even in germany they call them "19 inch" racks, thus setting the clock
>    back several decades.
>(2) i'm very interested in listing more non-US locations
>(3) i'm interested in listing more locations, period
>(4) further additions, or any changes, should be sent in HTML source format
>(5) what a great community -- i've learned a LOT in the last four days!

Thanks -- an excellent resource.  

One thing you may want to devote a bit more text to:  what are typical 
provisions for remote hands at these places?  In the intro, you allude 
to that as a problem with home-located machines, but I have no idea 
what the colo facilities do in such cases.

Btw -- in Seoul, I noticed that some TV sets there have their screen size 
measured in inches.  The contamination is spreading...

		--Steve Bellovin,