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Re: some wide-scale airline reservations issue

  • From: Mike Tancsa
  • Date: Tue Aug 19 16:06:46 2003

At 03:40 PM 19/08/2003 -0400, Joe Abley wrote:

The consistent component of the ongoing rumour mill is that this is due to "some computer virus".
sobig.f is REALLY making the rounds. I think its been effective as it plays on the public awareness of "some security hole" and "needed fixes from Microsoft." As the worm says, "Hi, I am from Microsoft, you need this patch" a greater than normal amount of people are suspending their judgement and clicking on it.

Also, we are seeing the odd customer network being taken out by the nachi worm. I had one guy shut off his switch because he thought it was "broken" since all the lights were practically solid :-).... It was solid alright, with ping floods ;-)
