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Re: more on, seems to waste IP space and DNS

  • From: Leo Bicknell
  • Date: Tue Jun 17 10:36:23 2003

In a message written on Mon, Jun 16, 2003 at 07:05:17PM -0700, [email protected] wrote:
> If what they are doing is not ok, what would you propose?

This is a bit of a sideways step, but...

I'm sure a lot of people would like to be able to register a zone
and not point it at any nameservers, and not even have it appear
in the top level zone files.  Many people "sit" on a zone for many
reasons, and in most cases having to point them at a nameserver
just to register it is pointless and stupid.

If a domain could exist in that state, then these domains could
just have the lame name servers removed from their records, possibly
existing with no nameservers, until the owner pointed them at the
right place.

       Leo Bicknell - [email protected] - CCIE 3440
        PGP keys at
Read TMBG List - [email protected],

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