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RE: NTP servers

  • From: Ejay Hire
  • Date: Sat Jun 07 13:11:23 2003

I was thinking about the not the closest-server problem today, and realized this is a good application for BGP-DNS  Making it possible to look at the reqeustor's network location and retrun the "closest" servers.


-----Original Message-----
From: Curtis Maurand [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Thursday, June 05, 2003 10:37 AM
To: wayne
Cc: [email protected]
Subject: Re: NTP servers


On Sun, 1 Jun 2003, wayne wrote:

> This seems like a good time to put in a plug for the NTP
> servers.  This is collection of public ntp servers provided by
> individuals and ISP's placed in a round-robin DNS system.  The goal is
> to provide the general public with a list of NTP servers that they can
> use without abusing the stratum 1 servers.
> If you can provide an NTP server to the pool, it would be greatly
> appreciated.  The bandwidth and CPU usage of an NTP server is quite
> low so you can easily provide NTP services to hundreds or even
> thousands of users.  
> If you create default NTP setups and you don't have good default NTP
> servers to use, feel free to use for one or more of your
> NTP sources.  (You should have at least 3 NTP sources, although using
> more than three doesn't usually help much.)
> For more information, see:
> -wayne

Curtis Maurand
mailto:[email protected]