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Re: ARIN meeting virtual attendance

  • From: Jeff McAdams
  • Date: Mon Apr 14 17:12:51 2003

Also Sprach [email protected]
>As is pretty clear from recent threads, there are ARIN members who, for
>whatever reasons, don't or can't attend the public meetings, but would
>like to have some input into ARIN's policies as well as voice their
>concerns over the current state of ARIN <-> member interaction.

I would think that would be a good thing.  Will it bring about
significant an needed change?  I don't know...but I'd be willing to give
it a shot if it seems that the possibility exists.
Jeff McAdams                            Email: [email protected]
Head Network Administrator              Voice: (502) 966-3848
IgLou Internet Services                        (800) 436-4456

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