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Re: your mail

  • From: JC Dill
  • Date: Mon Aug 12 11:56:55 2002

>> All of the evidence I could gather indicate that it did, in fact, happen
>> in at least some form. At the very least, other employees (whom I have
>> know for years) said that he was gone, as of the date in question. They
>> were not told the cause (as would be expected in most companies).

When I did my own investigation into this, I was told the person in question:

>was not giving a warning, was not given a second chance,
>was not already on any kind of performance plan, had many strong
>ties in the organization since he had been here for over 3 1/2
>years, and is also currently unemployed with no hopes of getting
>any jobs at this point.

I learned this information (with varying levels of detail) from 2 different independent sources, once a while ago (when the incident first happened), once recently reconfirmed.

I really wish I was in a hiring position right now. There are an awful lot of GOOD people out there who need jobs and who can do awesome work. It's a wonderful time to startup a company, you can hire really good people for far less than it cost 2-4 years ago (because inflated salaries have come back down to realistic levels). If only you can shake the startup money loose from a VC, which is only possible if you have a *real* business plan.
