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Re: spare fibers

  • From: Martin Hannigan
  • Date: Mon Jun 17 06:26:00 2002

At 07:44 AM 6/17/2002 +0300, Rafi Sadowsky wrote:

## On 2002-06-16 15:04 -0400 blitz typed:

b> Hi Daniel and all,
b> Yes, multiple fiber in multiple conduits, traveling multiple paths is the
b> best way to insure something's going to have connectivity.
b> Ring topology is what I've seen mostly for best protection, if something
b> goes down, restoration takes milliseconds and is automatic.

>>  Worst case, is
b> some contractor digs up the place where your fiber enters your building and
b> severs everything....not much you can do about that kind of outage.

Why not? -

 IMHO If you already get diverse carriers splitting them between say
the front and the back of the building shouldn't be that hard
Many non colo buildings, old, or otherwise, don't have two 0 manholes,
don't have the riser infrastructure, etc. etc.

If you aren't already a carrier, you could end up spending a whole
of money on conduit leases, facilities leases, and commitments to
carriers that have to dig out from a diverse manhole, fees to the landlord
for boring the foundation and building the entrance facilities..etc.

Landlords today are very smartly getting involved in owning the core
infrastructure <splice boxes, cross connects, conduit> and leasing
it back to business, net, and carrier companies.


Martin Hannigan                    [email protected]