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Re: list problems?

  • From: Richard Irving
  • Date: Thu May 23 12:20:44 2002

Have you ever heard the expression "Flat World Thinking" ?

 A long time ago the average person thought the world was flat.
And, if you didn't didn't fit in.

 To the man who claimed Vixie "might as well teach kids that
smoking doesn't cause cancer" 

 -You- are a flat world thinker.

 In your mind you see Vixie, pointing out he is a self taught, and
leading kids astray from that college degree.

  In other words, your world is flat.

 Did it ever occur to you not all hero's look like Dudley DoRight,
 Blonde haired, Blue Eyed, with chiseled features and 6 feet tall ?

 Did you want Vixie to Lie.. to fit your flat world thinking ?

 What, is this "Good Morning Vietnam", and you are one of the twins ?! ;)

 Remember, "Flat World Thinking" was , by definition, "Politically Correct",
 in it's day. 

 Think maybe we should buy Vixie a Blonde Wig, some contact lenses,
 and make him work out more ? *G*

 But you know what ?

  Did it ever occur to you that kids who have that perfect home,
 and perfect life.... will -still- go get that perfect degree....
  But what about the rest of the world ?

 Einstein was a Hero to many a Kid, -because- he was self taught.

 "Rebel against the System" is more common than not, as a philosophy of
  youth..... think "James Dean", Rock and Roll, etc.

 Einstein didn't fit into that flat world of his school teachers thinking.
His teacher had to deal with the average, and people like Einstein, and Vixie
don't make sense to such teachers, as -they- are hardly average. 
 During the 70's and 80's IBM salesmen convinced the WORLD that you had
to conform, and wear a light shirt, and dark tie... or you
simply weren't a computer professional.

  Fit in, or get out.

 The -world- bought into this politically correct
 "Flat World" concept for a full 20 years..

 The "System" works for the average... but, not everyone is average.
And when you aren't, the system becomes your enemy, in many ways...
(Fit in, or get out!)

 This "Flat World" concept was overthrown one day.... 
when word of the now World Famous IBM Watson Cricke research center
got out. (As in Dr. Watson)

 Watson Cricke had a dedication plaque that mentioned that it
is for the "Wild Ducks" of the world... as the greatest minds
"think outside the box". They rarely conform, or fit in.
 The -top- researchers in the -world-, in the computer industry,
contrary to what IBM's -SALESMEN- were telling you, were running
around in Cut off's, Shorts, Blue jeans and Pony tails. You see, the catch
was the _salesmen_ were telling you their plastic reality... 
the -real- engineers were living in a completely different world.

 "Flat World Thinking".

 Benet Mendlebrot's work comes out of that center, 
 ( Many of us think he is GOD , BTW.) 
 Among some of the -other- greatest minds of our times.....

 You see, IBM did the founders of Watson Cricke,
the "Wild Ducks" are the ones that LEAD the flock.... the rest follow.

 So, you go admire Dudley...

  The rest of us have Einstein, Vixie, And Benet....

    The Non-Conformists, for -our- Hero's.

  The Ones who can think Outside The Box, and show the 
  flat worlders they are clueless...

   The Wild Ducks.
  -These- Men will provide the Next Generation's 
  "Wild Ducks" with hero's -they- can understand.

  -You- have Dudley.

"Panel removed. Wire replaced. Problem Solved. Note: Mouse -was- Gray"
Shawn Solomon wrote:
> no way...
> The option where you come out into "life" 35k in the hole, no experience,
> and four years behind your "collegues" is obviously better.
> And its hard to put a value on..
> that bitterness you learned from spending the "best years of your life"
> with a bunch of rich, drunken dumbasses.
> The tolerence you gained from all those times your learning was
> decelerated, just to allow for johnny football star to meet status quo.
> The anger from seeing Johnny pull his head of his jock just long enough to
> see daddy hand him a 150k VP position.
> As mastercard sais.. priceless.
> And no, I'm not bitter..
> --
>  Shawn Solomon      Senior State Networks Engineer
>  Indiana Telecommunications Network & IHETS INDnet
>  317.263.8875    fx: 317.263.8831
> On 22 May 2002, Paul Vixie wrote:
> >
> > [email protected] (Leo Bicknell) writes:
> >
> > > If you ever want to become a team leader, or a manger, or run a
> > > theoretical group you are going to need the math and English
> > > backgrounds that college provides.  ...
> >
> > So what you're saying is, if I hadn't dropped out of high school during
> > my 17th trip around Sol, I wouldn't've gotten stuck in this dead end job?
> >
> > Probably I wouldn't have that honorary MSCS degree either.  Wouldn't've
> > wrote all that code, nor those RFC's, nor started those various companies.
> >
> > Wouldn't've found my various mentors nor been a mentor to any of the folks
> > who count me as having been one?
> >
> > Is that how a college degree would have improved my career by age 39?
> >
> > Sounds like a bad deal to me.
> > --
> > Paul Vixie <[email protected]>
> > President, PAIX.Net Inc.
> >