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Re: anybody else been spammed by "" yet?

  • From: Eric A. Hall
  • Date: Sat May 04 20:26:49 2002

"Forrest W. Christian" wrote:

> Ask people in those states which have anti-spam laws how many fewer
> spam messages they receive than before.

Although responding to this message puts me back to -$.04, I will point
out that the junk fax law worked pretty well. It didn't take long for
people to get the point that they shouldn't be faxing lunchroom menus to
everybody in their area code.

The spam laws are geographically constrained and inconsistently
interpreted. A federal law would have significantly greater impact.

The camram stuff is a neat idea but IMO it is even less likely to succeed,
since there isn't anybody with a financial incentive to make sure that it
works and to drive the necessary adoptions. A micropayment option with a
big backer at least has the chance to do things like pay email developers
to add support for it.

Eric A. Hall                              
Internet Core Protocols