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Re: RBL turf wars (was: ABOVE.NET BLOCKING ORBZ!)

  • From: Mikael Abrahamsson
  • Date: Sat Nov 17 04:24:53 2001

On Fri, 16 Nov 2001, Margie Arbon wrote:

> I am never anything BUT painfully honest. There is nothing disingenuous 
> about this at all.  There is *no* relationship between the management 
> of MAPS and that of, MFN, PAIX or any other entity.

Well, the question is whether there HAS been a relationship and how that 
relationship still affects policies. If any of the named 
relationships has affected the implementation of the filtering 
policy then they're still valid as a reason for the policy still being in 

It's always easier to maintain status quo than it is to change something. 

The named persons might not have any formal involvement with 
anymore, but I'd be surprised if they still didn't have any influence or
"cast any shadows" within the company.

I know several examples of this in "internet-Sweden" where some very
influential persons in the past might not have a formal involvement
anymore, but you still see their influence everywhere when it comes to how
things are handled.

Mikael Abrahamsson    email: [email protected]