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RE: FBI is at it again

  • From: Tom Thomas
  • Date: Sat Oct 27 12:42:15 2001

Oh please stop before this goes into a another full blown session of having to delete junk from my nanog folder again be rational and consider the situation.
(1) Media rumor
(2) You have got to be kidding
(3) Businesses will not let this happen as it will cost them money so the PACs will go nuts
(4) Privacy groups will sue
(5) Law enforcement and military makes plans for everything and I mean every crazy next to impossible scenario. Thinking about something is not wrong
(6) Partisan politics will come into play
(7) Individuals will lobby and make noise
But for all this to happen they have to DO something not just acknowledge making plans and thinking. Now sit down the wolf is not here yet.
-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]]On Behalf Of Larry Diffey
Sent: Saturday, October 27, 2001 2:13 AM
To: [email protected]
Subject: FBI is at it again

Per the following article:,2933,37203,00.html it appears as if the FBI now wants to route ALL Internet traffic through it's central servers!!!!
What gall!! What nerve!!!!
Now, for all of you who said, "Hey, I'm not doing anything wrong, let the FBI monitor what it wants to." can go shove hot spikes up your nose.
I don't think the FBI really wants to control the Internet, they want to destabilize it.  As tyranny approaches the only thing more dangerous than an armed populace is an informed one.  If they can monitor all the traffic, they can certainly control it.
The ISP's (whatever those are) need to collectively tell the FBI to go jump off a bridge.  Information campaigns need to be sent to the customers to alert them of the potential loss of civil liberties.
I'm gonna stop before I say something that will get me arrested.

Larry Diffey