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Re: What is up with

  • From: Christopher A. Woodfield
  • Date: Thu Jun 14 11:37:17 2001

HAve youtried doing a BGP lookup for the MX's IP, rather than the whole 
/16? That will return the smallest aggregate that includes the target 
IP(s). It's entirely possible that the block is not in the table as a /16, 
but as a set of sub-aggregates.


On Thu, Jun 14, 2001 at 11:28:36AM -0400, Erik Antelman wrote:
> Is someone renumbering around this area?
> My motivation is to understand the mechanisms and techniques \
> by which a non-privelaged user (ie someone without login access to a BGP fed
> router)
> would diagnose (characterize, locate, identify, etc..) failure to reach a
> large corporations
> mail servers (1/2 of the MX servers for
> RADB has nothing on this, a New York QWEST looking glass says:
> Query: bgp
> IP address:
> Location: New York
> Timeout: 20 seconds
> % Network not in table
> What's up?

Christopher A. Woodfield		[email protected]

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