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Re: RFC 1918

  • From: ww
  • Date: Mon Jul 17 12:27:52 2000

>>>>> "Stephen" == Stephen Kowalchuk <[email protected]> writes:

    Stephen> Public IP address allocation from ARIN is a totally
    Stephen> different matter.

If people need assign addresses to  things, they're going to do it. If
certain  bureaucracies prevent  them from  doing it  the  correct way,
they'll do it the incorrect way, which is what we're discussing here. 

    Stephen> My point is that filtering RFC 1918
    Stephen> addresses at your network's borders is the right thing to
    Stephen> do for a number of reasons.

Which is good in theory, but sometimes is not possible. Up untill very
recently a  router did not  exist that could  actually do this  when a
significant amount of traffic is being pushed through it.

Will Waites \________
[email protected]\____________________________
Idiosyntactix Ministry of Research and Development\