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Re: Mostly operational content (was Re: piracy on parade)

  • From: Steven M. Bellovin
  • Date: Fri Jul 14 18:55:54 2000

In message <[email protected]>, "Roeland M.J. Meyer" writ
>> Right.  Have a look at the IAB statement on the subject of DNS
>Yes, pure politics, zero operational content. When was the last
>time the IAB released a technical, politically neutral paper?
>Ans: a ver long time ago (years). That paper caused me to cast a
>negative vote for Brian Carpenter, in the last ISOC elections.
>They presented zero technical support for their position. It was
>all anecdotal, pure opinion, no substance.

I suspect I'm going to regret even responding to this, but...  Did you 
even read that document before posting?  It's purely technical -- it 
outlines the purely-technical reasons why the DNS has to have one root 
if we're to have effective communication on the net.

As for technical papers -- if nothing else, there are the workshops the 
IAB sponsors; the reports of those workshops are also on the IAB Web 
page.  The report on the Network Layer workshop is about to be 
released; there are also forthcoming RFCs on QoS and security.
>I submit that the IAB isn't doing its job and until they do, they
>should refrain from wasting their resources in the policy arena.
I suspect that the entire IAB wants to spend less time on politics -- I 
know I'd rather stick to the technical stuff.  But external affairs are 
explicitly our responsibility, per RFC 2580 and its predecessort, RFC 

		--Steve Bellovin