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Re: NSI policy on lame delagations

  • From: Paul Vixie
  • Date: Mon Nov 23 02:06:51 1998

> Given (for example) PostGreSQL, is there any reason why someone hasn't
> ported the algorithms of BIND on top of something like it?  It seems to
> me that it ought to be possible to keep a nameserver running whilst one
> is doing maintenance on it...

the line of people who have asked for this would stretch out the door and
into the street.  bind runs from memory rather than from disk, because it
has to be able to answer at wire speed for large values of "wire".  we're
working on a hierarchical storage system, basically a memory cache with
LRU, backed by a database.  we're also working on a way to load from sql
databases into memory rather than always having to load from disk.  it's
likely that the second of those two projects will be complete a year or
so before the first :-).

in 8.1.2++, though, the goal is to be able to check and/or reload a zone
without having to stat() all the others.  for someone with 50K zones on
board, this should be a huge speedup.
Paul Vixie <[email protected]>