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Re: Internic hosage

  • From: Dean Robb
  • Date: Thu Mar 19 00:15:18 1998

At 19:02 3/18/98 -0500, you wrote:
>I'm still shocked that it took 4 days to motify my NIC Handle.  

Why?  I've got email from their brass admitting that their PGP
authentication doesn't work; you can register using any name, city, phone
number or DNS server you want (whether they exist or not; you don't even
have to use numbers in the phone number area); they refuse to administer
WhoIs in any manner whatsoever; they can't even afford anyone to answer the
phones anywhere but on the payment lines.

It shouldn't surprise you that it took 4 should surprise you that
you were able to do it at all.

Spam:  it's not just for breakfast anymore....

Dean Robb
On-site computer services
(757) 495-EASY [3279]