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Re: Has spam factory moved from ACSI to Alternet ?

  • From: Ehud Gavron
  • Date: Tue Nov 18 01:40:02 1997

	Dakota says they have a "super fast DS3 backbone" and on the
	phone their sales people have said they "are the backbone."

	Reality includes a T-1 to Alternet, and an Ethernet drop from
 	ACSI.  GTWINC uses Dakotacom to spam the net, and I've heard
	that there are others (access) who are now joining their group.

	Dakota does not use or understand BGP, are shunned by local
	providers and interconnects, and uses two non-redundant net
	blocks -- one from Alter over that link, and one from ACSI
	over that link.

	You'll note they switched their dns to use the Alter net
	blocks.  A quick traceroute to gtwinc shows they're still
	there too:
 11 ( [AS 6467] 112 msec 116 msec 128 ms
 12 ( [AS 6467] 116 msec 116
msec 156 msec
	They do not respond to email, do not read this list, do not
	peer with anyone, and provide service to spammers.

	All information correct to the best of my knowledge, ads in the
	yellow pages, stuff said on the phone, and public information.


>I've been receiving buckets of spam from, as many as 90 per
>day.  They've been connected to ACSI for many months.

>ACSI has a new anti-spam AUP that went into effect today.  Today I see that
>traceroutes to Dakotacom go through Alternet and
>medic-net-gw.customer.ALTER.NET.  But the route looks odd, maybe a leak
>rather than a new real route.

>I don't speak BGP (my multi-homed ISP does that for me), so can anyone see
>who's announcing ?  ACSI?  Alternet?  Both?

>John Levine, [email protected],, Trumansburg NY
> postmaster