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Re: Agenda suggestions?

  • From: Elise Gerich
  • Date: Thu Jan 26 07:28:33 1995

Thanks for bringing this up (agneda topics).

 }-- Security problems operators can fix
}	[or, how to let your customers be used to break into
}	interesting places]
}	(route announcement filtering vs. routing attacks
}	outbound packet	filters on CPE routers vs. spoofing
}	attacks like the ones CERT announced recently)
   }This could go fairly quickly.

Is there anyone who will volunteer to lead this discussion?

} -- Routing flaps considered harmful

Is there a volunteer to lead this topic?

| 2) technical presentation on what is a route server

Yakov Rekhter has volunteered to give a technical presentation
on the RA's Route Server implementation.

}	Is this going to be from an RA/RS perspective?  If
}	so, some talk about converting extremely complicated
}	policy now embedded in border Ciscos to something
}	that can be put into the RA/RSes would be neato.
}	(Also what that policy ought to be in very broad
}	terms ("NAP/MAE technical etiquette") might be
}	useful as a short side-line talk.)

I have a candidate in mind for addressing this - let me check.

}	[or, Peter Lothberg politely questions the current
}	implementation's utility]

Peter has not volunteered to make a presentation. There is
room on the agenda for a presentation on the utility of
the route server concept or implementation (RA since
noone has volunteered infor on another implmentation).

} 5) end-to-end problem resolution - is it possible?

I have approached two candidates to lead this discussion -
neither have confirmed yet.

Other agenda topics are welcome...we should be distributing
an agenda sometime this weekend.