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NANOG Meeting Presentation Abstract

Traceroute Tutorial
Meeting: Road3
Date / Time: 2014-05-20 3:15pm - 3:40pm
Room: Ballroom Center
Presenters: Speakers:

John Van Oppen, Spectrum Networks, Inc

John van Oppen runs the technical operations, including design, engineering and planning, for Spectrum Networks, INC (AS11404). He lead support of newNOG originally and as a result, Spectrum Networks was a founding sponsor of what is now NANOG.
Abstract: Many people think they understand how to use and understand traceroute, yet the large number of traceroute based tickets at any sizable ISP proves that the vast majority of people do not. Even the ISPs themselves are frequently unable to come up with staff who are qualified to look at a traceroute and interpret it correctly. This presentation identifies how to accurately interpret traceroute results.
Files: pdfTraceroute Tutorial(PDF)
Sponsors: None.

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