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Re: Worst Offenders/Active Attackers blacklists

  • From: Edward B. DREGER
  • Date: Tue Jan 29 13:13:24 2008

PWG> Date: Tue, 29 Jan 2008 10:02:20 -0500
PWG> From: Patrick W. Gilmore

PWG> I read that, but discounted it.  There has been more than one
PWG> single-packet compromise in the past.  Not really a good idea to
PWG> let packets through for a while, _then_ decide to stop them.  Kinda
PWG> closing the bard door after yada yada yada.

(Apologies for straying from ops into R&D-ish stuff.)

True.  IMNSHO, lookups would need to be instantaneous.  Kind of like...
routing.  The RIB presumably is a very sparse array.  What's needed is a
FIB capable of approximately 2^24 routes, yet with only two
destinations: "pass" and "drop".

A naive approach would be a simple sorted array of 2^24 entries.
Assuming IPv4, that's a 64 MB lookup table that can be searched using
good old binary search.  Take this as a starting point for something
that definitely is possible.

Said sorted array contains much redundancy.  One can do _much_ better
than a primitive sorted array.  Uh, the more back-of-the-envelope
calculations I run, the more I believe this is entirely doable.

I'd need to dust off some code I wrote a while back, but I consider
150-clock IPv4 lookups reasonable.  IPv6 would be slower by a factor of
four.  (Predictions based on profiling performed on Pentium4-targetted
assembly code custom-written for a similar purpose.)

Note that the above is slightly optimistic.  It does not account for
blowing out the TLB on every lookup.  I'd need to review/profile that

RAM use would be the biggest obstacle.

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