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Re: request for help w/ ATT and terminology

  • From: Seth Mattinen
  • Date: Wed Jan 16 17:26:08 2008

Darryl Dunkin wrote:
If you want connectivity from both AT&T and Sprint with your one block,
you have plenty of justification from ARIN to get your AS assigned
assuming both feeds come into one location.

However, it looks like you are asking two providers to announce the same
block at two different locations (different origin AS on each). If this
is the case, it won't happen, you'd be better off justifying an
allocation of the additional space from AT&T.

He's asking why AT&T can't do the same thing Sprint was doing, as they've disconnected Sprint and are using AT&T alone.

My answer: no reason they can't, beyond not wanting to or being really dumb about it. Tell them you want them to advertise your netblock for you because you don't need BGP. You don't have to; they can easily do the routing and announcement for you. If they don't get it easily... well, I'd go back to Sprint, because you'll probably have severe problems later when someone updates something, breaks it and you're down for a week before you can get through to anyone who will listen to your unsupported (to them) setup. I was in the same situation years ago with an Eschelon/ATG circuit: they simply didn't get how to work BGP with a multihomed customer. I could convince them to fix it each time, but then it'd break 4 months later. After the 4th time they screwed up, I dumped them and gladly paid more for anyone else so it would actually work.
