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Re: BitTorrent swarms have a deadly bite on broadband nets

  • From: Sean Donelan
  • Date: Tue Oct 23 03:20:33 2007

On Tue, 23 Oct 2007, [email protected] wrote:
Now if any of you guys have a lead on an affordable way to get 225 40GigE's
from here to someplace that can *take* 225 40Gig-E's... ;) It does not cost all that much, relatively, to upgrade a network once the basic wiring is in place . that.s the big original cost. For example, a university campus in the Midwest that serves 14,000 students and faculty, recently estimated it would cost about $150 per port (per end user) to replicate their current 100 Mbps network for a five year period, or about $30 a year per user. To upgrade to 1000 Mbps (1 gigabit) it would cost $250, or about $50 per year. University campuses are like small towns or suburban neighborhoods. Once cable companies and companies like Verizon make their initial fiber investment, the relative cost of upgrading bandwidth to customers is small.