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Re: IPv6 Finally gets off the ground

  • From: Stephane Bortzmeyer
  • Date: Tue Apr 10 09:57:37 2007

On Sun, Apr 08, 2007 at 06:15:34PM -0500,
 J. Oquendo <[email protected]> wrote 
 a message of 24 lines which said:

> was successfully configured by NASA Glenn Research Center to use
> IPsec and IPv6 technologies in space."

Any human on board? Because he would have been able to access useful

The great chicken or the egg dilemma. IPv6 has had operating system and router support for years. But, content providers don't want to deploy it because there aren't enough potential viewers to make it worth the effort. There are concerns about compatibility and breaking IPv4 accessibility just by turning IPv6 on. ISPs don't want to provide IPv6 to end users until there is a killer app on IPv6 that will create demand for end users to actually want IPv6. There hasn't been any reason for end users to want IPv6 - nobody's dumb enough to put desirable content on IPv6 that isn't accessible on IPv4. Until now.

We're taking 10 gigabytes of the most popular "adult entertainment" videos from one of the largest subscription websites on the internet, and giving away access to anyone who can connect to it via IPv6. No advertising, no subscriptions, no registration. If you access the site via IPv4, you get a primer on IPv6, instructions on how to set up IPv6 through your ISP, a list of ISPs that support IPv6 natively, and a discussion forum to share tips and troubleshooting. If you access the site via IPv6 you get instant access to "the goods".