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Re: GBLX issues?

  • From: Bill Nash
  • Date: Wed Dec 13 15:48:28 2006

On Wed, 13 Dec 2006, Aaron Glenn wrote:

> On 12/13/06, J. Oquendo <[email protected]> wrote:
> >
> > Anyone seeing issues for GBLX around NY?
> >
> dude, chill. no need to yell.
> you know, GBLX sells a lot of different stuff - are we talking IP
> transit, MPLS transport, wavelength, voice? what kind of issues? how
> is anyone going to know what you're talking about when you're as vague
> as humanly possible.

You're awful at this game. When faced with a totally vague question, 
lacking context or useful information, it's up to you to supply your own.

Start with, always:
"Yes, <vendor> is having problems in <location>."

Then, tap your coworkers for assistance:
1: Name a hardware Vendor (the lower the stock value, the better)
2: Name a transport technology (frame relay, sonet, etc)
3: A number between 1 and 10.
4: A number between 8 and 32.
5: A seasonally relevent catastrophic event (snow storm, backhoe, 
exploding squirrel)

Respond: "Yes, <vendor> is having problems in <location>. Seems <5> hit 
this morning around <3> am, effecting <2> connections in that location. 
<Vendor> is having problems getting backup systems online, because they 
were idiots and deployed <1> gear without failover. At last check, it'll 
be at least <4> hours before they get things sorted out."

- billn