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Re: Commodity (was RE: [Fwd: Kremen ...])

  • From: David Conrad
  • Date: Wed Sep 13 08:29:03 2006

On Sep 13, 2006, at 1:37 AM, [email protected] wrote:
Since IP addresses are tightly tied to the network
architecture, how can they ever be liquid?
How are PI addresses tightly tied to network architecture?
What percentage of the total IPv4 address space is PI?
Good question. Perhaps someone from the RIRs could provide this information. What also might be interesting is the rate of change for PI allocations. My suspicion is the rate of PI allocations is increasing.

Perhaps more interesting would be percentage and rate of change of PI IPv6 given scarcity isn't (yet?) an issue with IPv6.

If non-PI addresses are not property then how do PI addresses gain that attribute?
I suspect your position on whether or not PI addresses are property depends on whether it is "yours" or not.
