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Re: Kremen VS Arin Antitrust Lawsuit - Anyone have feedback?

  • From: Mark Kent
  • Date: Fri Sep 08 15:00:04 2006

Joe McGuckin typed:
>> 2) Why does ARIN believe that it can ignore a court order?

Maybe because ARIN wasn't a party to the original proceedings
that generated that order?

Let's say you're eating lunch one day, minding your own business,
and a sheriff comes up with an official looking document and
says "You need to hand your car over to Fred..." because,
unknown to you, Fred and Barney just finished court proceedings
where the judge ruled that Barney had to give Fred "his" car,
even though that car was owned by you and just loaned to Barney.

Not a great analogy, because of the whole pink slip thing,
but you get the point.
