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Re: Is your ISP Influenza-ready?

  • From: Fergie
  • Date: Mon Apr 17 13:14:29 2006

Oh, that _is_ rich. ;-)

I think a lot of people would love to know just how they plan
to make that happen. :-)

- ferg

-- "David W. Hankins" <[email protected]> wrote:

In a article:

It is said:

	President Bush is expected to approve soon a national pandemic
	influenza response plan that identifies more than 300 specific
	tasks for federal agencies, including [some stuff and] expanding
	Internet capacity to handle what would probably be a flood of
	people working from their home computers.

That's not a lot of detail, and the article only cites
as a reference.  They don't appear to have published any detailed plan
that Pres. Bush is evidently about to sign there.  What is published there
feels like background information, and is vaguer still.

Anyone with more information on what they're talking about?


"Fergie", a.k.a. Paul Ferguson
 Engineering Architecture for the Internet
 [email protected] or [email protected]
 ferg's tech blog: