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Re: shim6 @ NANOG (forwarded note from John Payne)

  • From: Stephen Sprunk
  • Date: Mon Mar 06 10:26:06 2006

Thus spake <[email protected]>
Let's face it, IPv6 is close enough to IPv4 that any
attempt to put a price on IPv4 addresses will simply
cause a massive migration to free and plentiful IPv6
You assume that there will be a source of free and plentiful IPv6 addresses. AFAIK, none of them are rent-free, and they're not even available unless you have the clue and resources to prented to be an LIR.

So, unless there's policy change, most end-user orgs will have no choice but to pay the market rate for IPv4 addresses. Spot markets are good when demand is elastic, but we're faced with a market that has growing inelastic demand that will outstrip fixed supply in a decade. Capitalism doesn't handle that well.


Stephen Sprunk "Stupid people surround themselves with smart
CCIE #3723 people. Smart people surround themselves with
K5SSS smart people who disagree with them." --Aaron Sorkin