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Agenda topics for Dallas

  • From: Susan Harris
  • Date: Wed Jan 18 07:54:38 2006

Greetings - here are the talks we've lined up so far for Dallas. Stay tuned - we'll be adding new topics often.

Newcomer's Orientation and Reception 3:30 - 5:00 p.m.
Steering Committee Community Meeting 5:00 - 7:00 p.m.
Welcome Reception, (fabulous) location TBA 6:30 - 11:00 p.m.

GENERAL SESSION (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday morning)

- Searching for DNS Cache Poisoners
Duane Wessels, Measurement Factory/CAIDA

- How Prevalent is Prefix Hijacking on the Internet?
Peter Boothe and James Hiebert, Univ. of Oregon; Randy Bush, IIJ

- Hurricane Katrina: Telecom Infrastructure Impacts, Solutions,
and Opportunities
Paula Rhea, Verizon

- Flamingo: An Internet Traffic Exploration Tool
Manish Karir, Merit

- NVisionIP and VisFlowConnect-IP: Two Tools for Visualizing NetFlows
for Security
Bill Yurcik, NCSA

- Panel: Time for the Transition or Just More GOSIP?
Dan Golding, Burton Group, moderator

- IRR Power Tools: a Utility for Managing Internet Routing Registry
Richard Steenbergen, nLayer Communications

- Flooding Attacks by Exploiting Persistent Forwarding Loops
Jianhong Xia, Lixin Gao and Teng Fei, University of Massachusetts

- Clear and Present Increase of AAAA Queries
Tsuyoshi Toyono, Keisuke Ishibashi, Katsuyasu Toyama, NTT Labs

= v6fix: Fighting Against an IPv6 Pandemic
Kenjiro Cho, WIDE Project/IIJ, Ruri Hiromi, WIDE Project/Intec NetCore


- An Inter-domain Consistency Management Layer
Nate Kushman, MIT

TUTORIALS (Monday/Tuesday afternoon)

- Troubleshooting BGP
Level: Introductory
Philip Smith, Cisco

- Overview of QoS for Packet-based IP and MPLS Networks
Level: Introductory/Intermediate
Paresh Shah, Utpal Mukhopadhyaya, and Arun Sathiamurthi, Cisco

BOFS (Monday/Tuesday afternoon)

- Tools BOF
Todd Underwood, Renesys, Moderator

- ISP Security and NSP-SEC BOF XI
Danny McPherson, Arbor, Moderator

- Peering BOF XI
William B. Norton, Equinix, Moderator

Abstracts are linked off this page:

See y'all next month.