North American Network Operators Group

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6to4 routes disappeared from most of North America?

  • From: Todd Vierling
  • Date: Tue Jul 26 20:45:18 2005

Maybe I missed it, but was there some concerted effort to remove or block
access to the 2002::/16 route on the v6 backbone in North America recently?
Connectivity to/from 6to4-only hosts seems sketchy at best.  Of the US hosts
I've tried, only ISC has responded at all to a 6to4 packet -- and they're
routing 2002::/16 through WIDE in Japan from what I can tell.

>From about half the US IPv6 looking glasses I've tried, the route is missing
entirely.  By contrast, I can see it everywhere, typically from multiple
upstreams, in JP (no surprise there), CH, DE, and FR that I've tried so far.

I haven't been using 6to4 for almost 6 months now, but this seems like a
really alarming step backwards as far as v6 adoptability goes in dynamic
v4-pool environments.  Yes, I'm aware of the security implications of 6to4
-- but if the RFC-suggested header address checks are properly performed at
the ingress 6to4 gateway, the burden of security falls on the 6to4 user
alone, which is (IMHO) an acceptable situation.

-- Todd Vierling <[email protected]> <[email protected]> <[email protected]>